» Go to news mainPets of Dalhousie: Meet Cayda
Get to know Cayda, a Caribbean mutt who resides with Cody Turner, digital content specialist with Communications, Marketing & Creative Services.
(Find information on how to submit your own pet's profile at the bottom of this profile.)
Name: Cayda was originally named Rosebud when we rescued her from the shelter in the Cayman Islands, but we quickly changed that to Cayda. Which literally means “Cayman Island’s Dog” (CAY-DA).
Nickname: Cayda Bear, Cayda Bayda, Poppett, Caydes
Species/breed: We tell people she is a Blonde Collie with part Golden Retriever and part Border Collie. However, she is completely a Caribbean mutt. But the closest breed we matched to her is the Yakutian Laika.
Age: 11 years old in February
Fave food: She likes everything except avocado and tomatoes.
Special tricks: She has lots of modelling experience and she will pose just about anywhere and on anything (see image left). She will also tilt her head to the side on command.
Best quality: Cayda loves people and can make friends with any human. She does, however, pick her dog friends very carefully. Walks at the dog park are a chance for her to meet new people and ignore the dogs entirely.
Social media platform or handle, if available: You can find more photos of Cayda by searching the hashtag: #caydathedog or by following me @codymturner on Instagram.
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Read more about this series on Dal News. And don't forget to check out the previous pets we've featured in this space, including Camden, Juno, Bristow and Milo, Uke, Birdie, Varric, Toby, Charlie, Shuri, Ranger and Hazel, Darla, MacKenzie and Nicola, Harley, Gus, Ceilidh, Luna, Ruby, Matilda, Aymei, Harley and Sampson.
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