DAL Magazine

DAL Magazine feature stories include social innovation, learning in action and making waves in the Aquatron.

DAL Magazine shines a light on Dal’s innovative thinkers, groundbreaking research, and influential alumni. 

In the Spring/Summer 2024 issue, you'll find feature stories on Dalhousie's $750-million campaign for transformational change, generations of Rhodes Scholars, the national and local housing crisis, the recipients of Dalhousie's flagship alumni awards program, and more.

How to read DAL Magazine:


Mark Campbell
When Dalhousie announced the launch of Bringing Worlds Together, a $750-million campaign for transformational change, it made history with the largest fundraising initiative ever among Atlantic Canadian universities. By inspiring future-ready leaders, engaging in high-impact research, and lifting communities, the university aims to make a better world, too.
Mark Campbell
A new biomanufacturing facility envisioned by the Faculty of Medicine will help bring ideas for life-changing medicines out of the lab to patients’ bedsides.
Ryan McNutt
Generations of Dalhousie's Rhodes Scholars are a force for good.
Matt Reeder
Canada needs more homes — and fast. But the solution to the housing crisis is neither quick nor simple. Dal experts weigh in on the path ahead for one of Canada's most pressing social and economic issues.
Emily MacKinnon
Recognizing exceptional alumni who are making society a better place.
Jennifer Lambert
Diving into Dalhousie’s history of generous — and timely—gifts.
Alison Auld, Andrew Riley, Dan Silberman
Capturing the chemistry of fog. The dangers of digital exhaust. Water supply on Sable Island. Emphysema risk for people who smoke. Long COVID in children. Shark finning. Decarbonizing the global shipping industry.
DAL Magazine
Dal alumni and faculty share their books, television shows, films, webinars, and podcasts.
Jack Bennet, photos by Alison DeLory
Jack Bennett (BA’17, JD’23) shares a day in the life of a lawyer and co-host of The Big Sing, a Halifax event that teaches singers of all levels a pop song in three-part harmony.
Alison DeLory
Travis McDonough (BScK’94) shares his modus operandi — calculated risk-taking, service to community, and ending well.
Mark Campbell
Shirley King found her way to give to Dal through the Truro Start Program, and now hopes that endowing a scholarship puts more students on the path to success.
Emily Neil
Dr. Crystal Sweeney (PhD’19) is developing tech to help measure, and ultimately mitigate, carcinogen exposure for workers in high-risk environments.
Tanis Trainor
Stephanie MacPhee (BENG'06) takes a multifaceted approach to lessening Dal’s impact on the planet.
AnnMarie MacKinnon
Fascinated by how people engage with history, Kriti Maini will graduate in Spring 2025 with a combined honours in political science and history.

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Read In Memoriam

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Actively engage with innovative and growing industries that address significant challenges in sustainability, food security, health and well-being. Learn more at dal.ca/think-agriculture



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To submit a Class Note, please complete this form or email classnotes@dal.ca

To submit an In Memoriam notice, please email alumni.records@dal.ca