Paul Hill

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- Courses:
- OCEA 2000 - The Blue Planet
- OCEA 3004 - The Last Billion Years
- OCEA 5240 - Special Topics in Oceanography: Particles Module
Fax: 902-494-3877
Mailing Address:
Room 5633, LSC Ocean Wing, 1355 Oxford St
PO Box 15000, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 4R2
Research Topics:PO Box 15000, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 4R2
- Oceanography
- Marine geology
- Earth science
- AB (Dartmouth)
- M.Sc. (Washington)
- Ph.D. (Washington)
- Hill, P. S., T. G. Milligan, and W. R. Geyer. 2000. Controls on effective settling velocity in the Eel River flood plume. Continental Shelf Research, 20: 2095-2111.
- Geyer, W.R, P. S. Hill, and G.C. Kineke. 2004. The transport and dispersal of sediment by buoyant coastal flows. Continental Shelf Research, 24(7/8): 927-949.
- Hill, P. S et al., 2007. Sediment delivery to the seabed on continental margins. Continental Margin Sedimentation: Transport to Sequence, Special Publication Number 37 of the International Association of Sedimentologists, edited by C. A. Nittrouer, J. A. Austin, M. E. Field, J. H. Kravitz, J. P. M. Syvitiski and P. L. Wiberg, Blackwell/IAS. pp. 49-99.
- Hill, P. S., E. Boss, J. P. Newgard, B. A. Law, and T. G. Milligan, 2011. Observations of the sensitivity of beam attenuation to particle size in a coastal bottom boundary layer, J. Geophys. Res., 116, C02023, doi:10.1029/2010JC006539
- Khelifa, A., and P. S. Hill, 2006a. Models for effective density and settling velocity of flocs. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 44: 390-401.
- 2012/13 Award for Excellence in Teaching, Faculty of Science, Dalhousie University