An accommodation reduces or removes barriers to ensure fair and equitable access to classroom, testing, co-op/fieldwork environments, extra-curriculars as examples. Formal accommodations are managed by the Student Accessibility Centre (Halifax) and the Student Success Centre (Truro).
An accommodation is introduced when a protected characteristic (as defined by provincial human rights legislation) may place you at a disadvantage compared to other students who are not affected by a protected characteristic: e.g. (dis)ability.
Having an accommodation does not provide an unfair advantage over other students as students with accommodations are still expected to demonstrate they've met the learning outcomes set for the course.
Types of Accommodations Available
Accommodate Software
The Student Accessibility Centre (Halifax) and Student Success Centre (Truro) is now utilizing a software application “Accommodate” to streamline student accommodations. This software helps all users (students, faculty, and staff) more effectively and efficiently manage the student accommodation process.
For more information about requesting accommodations, visit our Request Accommodations webpage.
For more information about exam accommodations, visit our Exam Accommodations webpage.