Accommodate Software

The Student Accessibility Centre (Halifax) and Student Success Centre (Truro) is now utilizing a software application “Accommodate” to streamline student accommodations. This software helps all users (students, faculty, and staff) more effectively and efficiently manage the student accommodation process.

Using Accommodate allows students to have a seamless experience requesting accommodations, uploading documentation, accessing peer course notes, and scheduling an accommodated exam all in one single environment. Students can also access all formal accommodation letters in Accommodate. Students can review the Quick-Start Student User Guide (pdf 447 kb) for more information. You must log-in using your NetID and not your alias.

This software also enables faculty to receive letters of notification and identify testing details all in one single environment. Faculty can review the Quick-Start Faculty User Guide for more information. You must log-in using your NetID and not your alias.

You do not need to register to use Accommodate. If you are experiencing errors accessing the system, remember to log-in with your Dalhousie NetID (e.g. ab123456) and password, not your alias email. The Centre will delete all accounts not associated with a Dalhousie NetID.  

If you have any questions, please contact