Cross‑listed Faculty

Cross-listed faculty are eligible for all aspects of supervision of comprehensives and dissertation, and, depending upon affiliation and area of expertise/qualification, clinical practica.

Read our Departmental Policy on these appointments.

Current Cross-listed Members

Abbass, Allan 
BSc (Ottawa) MD (Dalhousie) FRCPC (Toronto)

Department of Psychiatry
(902) 473-2514

emotion physiology, short-term dynamic psychotherapy, psychotherapy integration, anxiety, depression, somatization

Jafari, Zahra
BSc, MSc (TUMS), PhD (Ottawa)

School of Communication Sciences and Disorders
(902) 494-5151

Healthy aging, fatigue, frailty, dementia, electrophysiology, brain imaging, auditory neuroscience, tinnitus, biomarkers, artificial intelligence

Aiken, Steve 
BA, MSc (Western), PhD (Toronto)

School of Communication Sciences and Disorders
(902) 494-1057

auditory electrophysiology, brainstem and cortical responses to speech, psychoacoustics, otoacoustic emissions, speech perception, hearing aid signal processing
Kiefte, Michael 
BA (Memorial), MSc, PhD (University of Alberta)

School of Communication Sciences and Disorders
(902) 494-5150

speech perception, psychoacoustics, speech production, stuttering
Bardouille, Tim 
BSc (Queens), MSc (Dalhousie), PhD (Toronto)

Department of Physics

functional neuroimaging for the purposes of clinical diagnosis and treatment, measurement of small- and long-range neural synchrony in the brain in patients with stroke, epilepsy and traumatic brain injury
Lee-Baggley, Dayna PhD
BSc (Calgary), MA, PhD (UBC)

Nova Scotia Health Authority
(902) 473-4686

chronic disease, behaviour change, obesity, professional resiliency, acceptance and commitment therapy
Boe, Shaun 
BPhEd (Brock) PhD (Western), MPT (Western)

School of Physiotherapy
(902) 494-6360

central and peripheral nervous system adaptations and functional outcomes in neurorehabilitation, cortical contributions to balance control, electrophysiology, functional neuroimaging

Lovas, David
BSc, MD (Dalhousie)

Department of Psychiatry
(902) 470-6570

somatic symptom disorders, somatization, chronic pain, functional disorders, biomarkers, mindfulness, child and adolescent psychiatry

Bombay, Amy 
BSc (Ottawa), MSc, PhD (Carleton)

Department of Psychiatry and School of Nursing

aboriginal health and well-being, determinants of health and well-being, mental health and mental wellness, historical trauma and contemporary racism, community-based research

Marchand, Yannick

MCS (Univ. of Paris), PhD (Compiegne, France)

computational modeling of reading, dyslexia, speech technology, event-related brain potentials

Campbell-Yeo, Marsha 
BScN and MScN (Dalhousie), PhDN (McGill)

School of Nursing
(902) 494 4283

non-pharmaceutical pain relief, maternal-led interventions, pain and stress, skin-to-skin contact, breastfeeding, neonatal intensive care, randomized controlled clinical trials

McManus, Justin
BA (Carleton), MSc (Guelph), PhD (Dalhousie)

Rowe School of Business

Research website

self-related attitudes, beliefs, and motivations; organizational trustworthiness and brand trust; consumption signals (e.g., status, competence, morality); antecedents of new product evaluation

Chorney, Jill 
BSc (Dalhousie) MA, PhD (West Virginia)

Department of Anesthesiology
(902) 470-7707

perioperative care, psychological management of pain

Meier, Sandra
BSc, MSc (Universitat Basel), PhD (Ruprecht Karls Universitat)

CRC Chair in Developmental Psychopathology and Youth Mental Health, Department of Psychiatry

genetic epidemiology, biostatistics and molecular genetics

Cloutier, Anika
BA Hons., MA (Carleton), PhD (Queen's)

Rowe School of Business

organizational behaviour, leadership, occupational health, mental health, work-family interface

Neyedli, Heather 
BSc Hons (Dalhousie), MSc, PhD (Toronto)

School of Health and Human Performance
(902) 494-6786

decision making, statistical decision making models, attention, movement selection and planning, neuroplasticity and neurofeedback

Conrad, Colin
BAHons (Dalhousie), MA (Queen's), MEC, PhD (Dalhousie) 

School of Information Management

information technology use, education technology, commercial applications of neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience, human-computer interaction, data mining

Pavlova, Barbara
MA (Palacky Univ. Czech Rep.) PhD (Charles Univ., Czech Rep), DClinPsy (King's College London)

Department of Psychiatry

bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, comorbidity, early interventions, cognitive behaviour therapy, social anxiety disorder

Dithurbide, Lori 
BA (St. Mary's), MA (Brock), PhD (Michigan State)

School of Health and Human Performance
(902) 494-2477

sport and exercise psychology, group/team dynamics, efficacy and trust in dyads/groups/teams, athletic performance, measurement of psychosocial variables in sport and exercise

Robinson, Lynne 
BSc (Victoria) MA, PhD (Simon Fraser)

School of Health and Human Performance
(902) 494-1157

psychosocial issues in cancer, relationships, internet-mediated health promotion, health promotion, community based research

Filliter, Jillian H.,
BSc Hons, MSc, PhD (Dalhousie)

Department of Pediatrics
(902) 470-7275

autism spectrum disorder (ASD), improving health care access and interactions for youth with ASD, understanding cognitive and emotional processes in ASD

Robinson, Margaret 
BA (Saint Mary’s) MA (Toronto) PhD (Toronto)

Departments of English; Sociology and Social Anthropology

sexual and gender identity, mental health, substance use, food sovereignty, and Indigenous cultural continuity

Finley, G. Allen 
BSc, MD, Dalhousie FRCPC

Department of Anaesthesia
(902) 470-7708

pediatric pain (measurement and management), audible alarm signals, perioperative anxiety, awareness and memory

Semba, Kazue
BEd, MA (Tokyo) PhD (Rutgers)

Medical Neuroscience
(902) 494-2008

neurobehavioural and physiological impacts of chronic sleep restriction; role of astrocytes in sleep/wake regulation; circadian control of sleep and waking

Fisher, Derek 
BSc (Ottawa), MSc, PhD (Carleton)

Department of Psychiatry
(902) 457-5503

schizophrenia, psychosis, psychopharmacology, nicotine, cognitive neuroscience, EEG, event-related potentials, mismatch negativity

Smith, Isabel 
BA (Dalhousie) MSc (Brown) PhD (Dalhousie)

Joan and Jack Craig Chair in Autism Research. Department of Pediatrics 
(902) 470-7271

autism spectrum disorder, developmental disabilities, intervention research


Fisk, John 
BSc, MA, PhD (Western)

Department of Psychiatry
(902) 473-2581

neuropsychology, cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging; aging, multiple sclerosis, dementia and neurodegenerative neuroimaging disorders: assessment, diagnosis, epidemiology, risk factors, health-related quality of life, treatment effectiveness, health policy

Thomas, Megan
BSc (St. Andrews), MBChB (Manchester), DRCOG/MRCP(UK) (Glasgow), PhD (Central Lancashire), FRCPCH FRCP

Department of Pediatrics
(902) 470-7300

sleep, autism spectrum disorders, neurodevelopmental disabilities, parent support, health service information and delivery

Ghanouni, Parisa
BSc, MSc (Shahid Behesheti Univ.), PhD (UBC)

School of Occupational Therapy
(902) 494-8434

Child and adolescent mental health, assistive technology and eHealth interventions, neurodevelopmental disorders and neurodiversity including Autism, ADHD, Comorbidity and cognition, patient oriented research, resilience, participation, and coping


Tibbo, Phil
BSc Hons. (Mt Allison), B.MEd.Sc, MD (Memorial), FRCPC, AHRMR (Alberta)

CRC Chair in Psychotic Distorders and Director of Early Psychosis Program, Department of Psychiatry
(902) 473-1678

Addictions, schizophrenia, Magnetic resonance spectrocscopy (MRS), early interventions, Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI), brain imaging

Good, Kim 
BSc (UNB) MSc, PhD (UBC)

Department of Psychiatry
(902) 473-4250

olfactory and cognitive function in patients with psychotic disorders, and olfactory fMRI
Town, Joel 
BSC (York), D. Clin Psy (Univ. of Sheffield)

Centre for Emotions and Health, Department of Psychiatry
(902) 473-2543

psychotherapy process-outcome and effectiveness research, emotion processing, Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy, psychotherapy for common mental disorders, medically unexplained symptoms
Hashmi, Javeria 
BSc (Punjab), MSc (Western), PhD (Toronto)

Department of Anesthesia, Pain Management and Perioperative Medicine

acute and chronic pain, anethesisa, brain development, networks, predictive analysis
Uher, Rudolf 
CCT, MRCPsych, PhD, MUDr. 

Department of Psychiatry
(902) 473-7209

early interventions interventions to prevent severe mental illness, classification of psychopathology, the treatment of depression, the use the clinical assessment and genomics to personalize and optimize treatment and the interplay of genes and environment in the causation of mental illness

Hernandez Castillo, Carlos
PhD (Veracruz)

Faculty of Computer Science

Research Website

neuroimaging, movement disorders, neuroscience, artificial intelligence

Ungar, Michael 
BA, BSW, MSW (McGill) PhD (Wilfred Laurier)

School of Social Work
(902) 494-3445

qualitative methods, resilience, adolescent mental health, family therapy, ecological social work, program evaluation, cross-cultural research, delinquency, child development, social constructionism

Ilie, Gabriela
BSc, MA (York), PhD (Toronto)

Community Health and Epidemiology, Urology, 

patient reported outcomes, prostate cancer, traumatic brain injuries, concussions, quality of life, mental health, substance use, health reported outcomes, behavioural conduct, violence, bullying, suicide, music therapy, stress relief, and mindfulness

Westwood, David A. 
BSc, MA, PhD (Waterloo)

School of Health and Human Performance
(902) 494-1164

cognitive neuroscience, sensory control of skilled action, functional neuroimaging