Your Role with Accommodations

Students may be approved for one, or several, accommodations that relate to classroom access, testing, or other forms of support. Depending upon your faculty, we communicate accommodation decisions by email to instructors directly or through your assistant or associate dean.

For a list of the types of accommodations available to students, please visit our Accommodations webpage.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Expectation of Faculty:

The role of faculty as it relates to student accommodation is outlined in our Guidelines and Protocols document and identified here for your reference.

  • Receive and make note of student accessibility plans through Accommodate.
  • Upon receipt, bring to the immediate attention of SAC/SSC any accommodation that compromises the course or program’s essential academic requirements, and/or creates undue hardship for the university.
  • Consult and collaborate with SAC/SSC to resolve challenges related to student accessibility plans.
  • Implement the student’s accommodation.
  • Consult with SAC/SSC to determine other forms of support for students.
  • Ensure that SAC/SSC accessibility statement is included in all syllabi.
  • Maintain students’ right to privacy.

If your student has been approved for testing accommodations, follow the steps to confirm your quiz, test, or exam details. Following these steps will facilitate the Centre's invigilation of this assessment.

Please note that your classroom may contain specialized accessible furniture and equipment. It is important that these items remain in the classroom, untouched, so that students who require their usage will be able to fully participate in the class.