Teaching Dossier

Teaching Dossiers are a significant component of tenure and promotion and re-appointment files at Dalhousie. Teaching Philosophy Statements are increasingly requested for job applications. Whether you are a faculty member, post-doctoral fellow or graduate student, the ability to articulate your approaches to teaching and to ensure alignment of your ideas across your Dossier will enable you to prepare a Teaching Dossier for evaluative purposes. Creating a Dossier also provides you with an opportunity to enhance student learning by encouraging you to reflect on your teaching philosophy and to ensure that it is connected to the approaches, activities and assessments you plan for your courses.


The Centre for Learning and Teaching offers two annual Teaching Dossier workshops:

We also provide individual consultations on an on-going basis for faculty, post-doctoral fellows and graduate students, who would like to discuss or receive feedback on their Teaching Dossiers or teaching philosophy statements.


This page contains links to resources that will help you to organize the material in your Teaching Dossier and provide you with ideas to help you to start writing your Dossier.