Transformative Pedagogies

The CLT Transformative Pedagogies (TP) Team strives ardently to parse out, and bring to the fore, the many theories, philosophies, and practices that are often less visible under the commonly used umbrella acronym, “EDIA.” These theories, practices, and philosophies branch into specialized sub-fields such as: decolonization, anti racism/oppression, internationalization intercultural competency development, Indigenous knowledges and ways of knowing, (dis)ability studies, Critical Pedagogy, and Culturally Responsive Pedagogy.

The CLT Transformative Pedagogies Team is currently comprised of three portfolios: Anti-Oppressive and Transformative EducationIndigenous Knowledges and Ways of Knowing,  and Internationalization and Intercultural Competency. Each team member’s portfolio converges with the others, at these intersections:

  1. Anti-racism, oppression, decolonization (addressing institutional and systemic barriers)

  2. Theory, praxis, and embodiment
    1. Equitable teaching practices are informed by theoretical and social perspectives
    2. Equitable teaching practices demonstrate, enable, and nurture embodiment
  3. Aspiration and embodiment, through:
    1. Humanizing and student-centred pedagogy
    2. Promoting development of the University-wide graduate attributes that engender and support “holism”: attributes that reflect a graduate’s cognitive, emotional, physical, and (for many) spiritual development
  4. Embeddedness. the explicit integration of accessibility, equity, Indigenization, and internationalization in curricula, pedagogies, activities, assessments, programs, and policies

  5. This work is relational, reciprocal, and responsive.  We recognize that we are engaged in thinking deeply, intentionally, and strategically about the “why,” “how,” and “with whom,” and not only the “what.”

Please explore each portfolio tab, become inspired, and connect with the educational developer(s) who can support you in your journey.