» Go to news mainPets of Dalhousie: Meet Paulomer
Paulomer is a Medicine Hat horse who lives with Heather Cray, a PhD instructor in the School for Resource and Environmental Studies.
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Name: Paulomer
Nickname: Goofus, Goofball, my-lack-of-disposable-income, Old Man Pony, Jerkface
Species/breed: Old-stock Medicine Hat Paint (hence the frankly massive shoulder blades).
Age: In his mid-twenties, but sometimes he thinks he’s 2 and sometimes he is convinced he’s 50.
Fave food: Mostly things he shouldn’t have due to his health issues — also, he will love something for a few months and then never touch it again, even if it’s sneakily mixed into his new favourite food!
Special tricks: Paul knows what “ice” is, so when I say “ice” and point, he slows right down and takes tiny steps. He also knows that when he has an injury/illness, we get into a routine — if he sees me coming with the foot treatment bottle these days, he lifts his front right foot without even looking up. He also really enjoys blowing bubbles as he walks through water and chasing deer (aka the pointy ponies).
Best quality: Given everything that life has thrown at him, he is the most tolerant and somehow simultaneously the sassiest and personality-filled being I have had the privilege of knowing.
Social media platform or handle, if available: Has his own Instagram now @paul_the_paint_pony
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Read more about this series on Dal News. And don't forget to check out the previous pets we've featured in this space this month, including Hamish and Maple, as well as those from previous months:
The month in pets: January
The month in pets: February