Institute Members




Matthew Herder
Director, Health Justice Institute
Professor of Medicine and Law
Joanna Erdman
MacBain Chair in Health Law and Policy
Professor of Law
Constance MacIntosh
Viscount Bennett Professor of Law
Professor of Law
Jocelyn Downie
Fellow, Royal Society of Canada
Fellow, Canadian Academy of Health Sciences
Professor of Law and Medicine
Elaine Gibson
Professor of Law
Michael Hadskis
University Teaching Fellow of Law and School of Health Administration
Adelina Iftene
Associate Professor of Law

Sheila Wildeman
Associate Director, Health Justice Institute    Professor of Law


   Nayha Acharya
 Associate Professor of Law                                                                                 

Research Scholars

  • Crystal Dieleman
    Assistant Professor
    School of Occupational Therapy
    Dalhousie Faculty of Health
  • Erin Dobbelsteyn
    PhD Student
    Schulich School of Law
  • Karinne Lantz
    PhD Student
    Schulich School of Law
  • Martha Paynter
    Registered Nurse
    Assistant Professor, School of Nursing
  • Niki Kiepek
    Associate Professor
    School of Occupational Therapy                                                                                                                 Dalhousie Faculty of Health
  • Eli Manning                                                                                                                                             Assistant Professor
    Dalhousie School of Social Work
  • Sara Abdo
    PhD Student
    School of Occupational Therapy
    Dalhousie Faculty of Health
  • Dr. Gaynor Watson-Creed
    Associate Dean, Serving & Engaging Society
    Department of Community Health & Epidemiology
    Dalhousie Faculty of Medicine
  • Dr. Aruna Dhara
    Co-Director, Medical Humanities-HEALS (DMNS)
    Continuing Professional Development & Medical Education
    Dalhousie Faculty of Medicine

Administrative Coordinator

  • Ashley Johnson