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Online professional development options

A person with medium length black hair uses a pen to write on pieces of paper.

Self-directed online learning

Sometimes a class or prior commitment means you can't attend an in-person session or live online workshop or webinar, but there are options available for you to learn new skills at your own pace, when it's convenient for you.


Our partnership with Mitacs grants you access to their online courses that allow you to learn new skills at your own pace, where and when it's convenient for you. Graduate students and postdocs can sign up for a Mitacs EDGE account if you don't already have one and register for any of the courses below. 

Mitacs' curriculumincludes eight self-paced, asynchronous e-learning courses. Time commitments for each course range from 60 to 180 minutes. When registering, each subject area has a bundle including a self-paced online course as well as a live, instructor-led session (if available). The instructor-led course cannot be signed up for until the corresponding self-directed, asynchronous course has been completed.

The relevant Dal GradPD pillar covered in each course bundle is noted below. 


  • Communication skills
  • Writing and presentation skills


  • Project and time management
  • Reconciliation and equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI)
  • Research and development (R&D) management
  • Leadership skills

Career Intelligence

  • Networking skills
  • Career planning

Facilitated workshops from Mitacs

Mitacs also offers many facilitated, instructor-led workshops throughout the year open to participants who have completed the accompanying asynchronous e-learning course for each workshop. Workshops are open to students and postdocs from universities across Canada, but time zones vary depending on which region is hosting the session. 

Descriptions of each workshop can be found on the Mitacs website, and you can register by signing up for or logging into your Mitacs EDGE account.

Learn more about Mitacs skills offering for Spring 2024 [PDF-20 kb].

Write with Us! Daily Pomodoro Sessions

The Writing Centre is offering daily group writing sessions every weekday morning from 10-11 AM (ADT) on Collaborate. Join Writing Centre staff members and other students to set writing goals and write against the clock in two 25-minute bursts to help you get started on your writing day. No preregistration or commitment necessary: Come to as many or as few sessions as you like!

This event counts towards the Dal GradPD communication pillar.

Anti-Racism 101 module

The Anti-Racism 101 workshop provides a foundational overview of the ways in which Anti-Racism manifests within us, on our campuses, and in our communities. Through the exploration of concepts such as microaggressions, unconscious bias, Anti-Indigenous and Anti-Black racism, accountability and more, this workshop provides avenues of learning but most importantly implores as all to commit to changing our behaviours, attitudes and actions today.

This module counts toward the Dal GradPD communication pillar. To register, email