Current Courses

Credit may not be obtained twice for the same course even if the numbers have been changed. Courses with the designation (MLC) are supported by the tutorial services of the Math Learning Centre.

Note - not every course is offered each year. For information about what courses will be offered in any one year, contact your advisor or consult the Registrar's Academic Timetable.

The most recent syllabus available for each course will be listed next to each course.


The following three courses below the 1000 level are offered by the Faculty of Open Learning & Career Development. Students register and pay for them at the Faculty of Open Learning & Career Development located at 1220 LeMarchant Street, 2nd Floor or by calling (902) 494-2375 (see PDF page 40, College of Continuing Education, for more details).

MATH 0009.00: Academic Math.
MATH 0010.00: Pre-Calculus Mathematics (NS Grade 12 Pre-Calculus Math).
MATH 0011.00: Pre-calculus Plus ( NS Grade 12 pre-calculus).

The following are lists of courses currently being offered. In case of any discrepancy, the Academic Timetable will be considered accurate.

First Year Courses

Academic Year
MATH 1000 Differential and Integral Calculus I
F | W | S
MATH 1010 Differential and Integral Calculus II
F | W | S
MATH 1030 Matrix Theory and Linear Algebra I   
F | W | S
MATH 1060 Introductory Statistics for Science and Health Sciences F | W | S
MATH 1215 Life Sciences Calculus
F | W | S
MATH 1280 Engineering Mathematics I
F | W | S
MATH 1290 Engineering Mathematics II  F | W | S

For the most up to date information, please check the current Academic Timetable

Second Year Courses

Academic Year 2024-2025
MATH 2001    Intermediate Calculus I F | W | S
MATH 2002 
Intermediate Calculus II
F | W | S
MATH 2040    Matrix Theory and Linear Algebra II
F | W | S
MATH 2051    Problems in Geometry   F | W | S
MATH 2060    Introduction to Probability and Statistics
F | W | S
MATH 2080 
Statistical Methods For Data Analysis and Inference 
F | W | S
MATH 2110  
Logic and Set Theory
F | W | S
MATH 2112    Discrete Structures I 
F | W | S
MATH 2113    Discrete Structures II 
F | W | S
MATH 2120    Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations F | W | S
MATH 2135    Linear Algebra
F | W | S
MATH 2300    Mathematical Modelling 
F | W | S
MATH 2505    Introductory Analysis 
F | W | S
MATH 2600    Theory of Interest and Life Contingencies
F | W | S

For the most up to date information, please check the current Academic Timetable

Third Year Courses

Academic Year 2024-2025
MATH 3031    Abstract Algebra I
F | W | S
MATH 3032    Abstract Algebra II F | W | S
MATH 3045    Curves and Surfaces
F | W | S
MATH 3070    Theory of Numbers
F | W | S
MATH 3080   Introduction to Complex Variables
F | W | S
MATH 3120    Differential Equations
F | W | S
MATH 3140    Introduction to Wavelets
F | W | S
MATH 3210    Introduction to Numerical Analysis  F | W | S
MATH 3260    Applied Differential Equations 
F | W | S
MATH 3300    Optimization
F | W | S
MATH 3330    Applied Graph Theory
F | W | S
MATH 3340    Regression and Analysis of Variance
F | W | S
MATH 3350 Design of Experiments F | W | S
MATH 3360    Probability  F | W | S
MATH 3370 Combinatorics - Techniques   F | W | S
MATH 3380   Sample Survey Methods
F | W | S
MATH 3400    Classical Game Theory  F | W | S
MATH 3460   Intermediate Statistical Theory
F | W | S
MATH 3501    Intermediate Analysis I
F | W | S
MATH 3502    Intermediate Analysis II
F | W | S
MATH 3700    Mathematics for Economists
F | W | S
MATH 3790 Problem Solving
F | W | S
MATH 3800    Financial Economics  F | W | S
MATH 3900    Financial Mathematics
F | W | S

For the most up to date information, please check the current Academic Timetable

Fourth Year Courses

Course Number Course Name Academic Year 2024-2025
MATH 4010    Introduction to Measure Theory and Integration  F | W | S
MATH 4020    Analytic Function Theory
F | W | S
MATH 4035 Topics in Commutative Algebra F | W | S
MATH 4045    Advanced Algebra I
F | W | S
MATH 4055    Advanced Algebra II
F | W | S
MATH 4066    Advanced Statistical Theory I
F | W | S
MATH 4070   Algebraic Number Theory 
F | W | S
MATH 4116    Cryptography  F | W | S
MATH 4140    Introduction to Functional Analysis  F | W | S
MATH 4165    Mathematical Methods in Physics
F | W | S
MATH 4170 General Topology
F | W | S
MATH 4180    Introduction to Algebraic Topology
F | W | S
MATH 4200 Diff Equations-Qualit Theory F | W | S
MATH 4220 Intro Partial Diff Equations F | W | S
MATH 4230    Partial Differential Equations 
F | W | S
MATH 4250 Asymptotic Analysis F | W | S
MATH 4330 Topics in Graph Theory F | W | S
MATH 4331 Topics in Combinatorics F | W | S
MATH 4360 Combinatorial Modeling F | W | S
MATH 4410 Cosmology F | W | S
MATH 4500 Introduction to Harmonic Analysis
F | W | S
MATH 4530 Differential Geometry F | W | S
MATH 4540 Applied Analysis4540 F | W | S
MATH 4650 General Relativity F | W | S
MATH 4680 Topics in Logic and Comp F | W | S
MATH 4950 Honours Research Project  F | W | S

For the most up to date information, please check the current
Academic Timetable



First Year Courses

Academic Year
STAT 1060 Introductory Statistics for Science and Health Sciences F | W | S

For the most up to date information, please check the current Academic Timetable

Second Year Courses

Academic Year
STAT 2060 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
F | W | S
STAT 2080 Statistical Methods for Data Analysis and Inference F | W | S
STAT 2300 Introduction to Mathematical Modelling I F | W | S
STAT 2430 Data Visualization F | W | S
STAT 2450 Introduction to Data Mining with R F | W | S
STAT 2600 Theory of Interest F | W | S

For the most up to date information, please check the current Academic Timetable

Third Year Courses

Academic Year
STAT 3340 Regression and Analysis of Variance F |W | S
STAT 3350 Design of Experiments F | W | S
STAT 3360 Probability F | W | S
STAT 3380  Sample Survey Methods F | W | S
STAT 3450 Statistical Learning with R F | W | S
STAT 3460  Intermediate Statistical Theory F | W | S
STAT 3703 Actuarial Models I F | W | S
STAT 3720 Life Contingencies I F | W | S
STAT 3740 Predictive Analytics F | W | S

For the most up to date information, please check the current Academic Timetable

Fourth Year Courses

Academic Term
STAT 4066    Advanced Statistical Theory I 
F | W | S
STAT 4130
Bayesian Data Analysis
F | W | S
STAT 4350    Applied Multivariate Analysis
F | W | S
STAT 4370    Stochastic Processes
F | W | S
STAT 4390    Time Series Analysis 
F | W | S
STAT 4620  Data Analysis 
F | W | S
STAT 4690 Computational Statistics F | W | S
STAT 4703    Actuarial Models II  F | W | S
STAT 4720    Life Contingencies II 
F | W | S
STAT 4950    Honours Research Project 
F | W | S

For the most up to date information, please check the current Academic Timetable

Other Courses

Academic Year
STAT 5067

Advanced Statistical Theory II

F | W | S

For the most up to date information, please check the current Academic Timetable