Miao Zhang

Associate Professor


Email: miao.zhang@dal.ca
Phone: +1 902 494 2831
Mailing Address: 
Dalhousie University
6287 Alumni Cres
PO BOX 15000
Halifax NS B3H 4R2
Life Sciences Centre
2nd Floor, Ocean Wing
Rm. 2636



Ph.D. (Geophysics), University of Science and Technology of China (China), 2015
B.Sc. (Physics), Henan Normal University (China), 2010


ERTH/PHYS 2270: Introduction to Applied Geophysics
ERTH 6353: Quantitative Methods in Earth and Environmental Sciences


Professor Zhang is an observational seismologist. His main interests lie in the study of earthquake source processes and Earth's internal structure using seismic waveforms. He is curious about all types of seismic events on land and at sea ranging from tectonic and volcanic earthquakes to induced earthquakes and man-made explosions. His research recently focuses on detection, location, and characterization of seismic sources. He also has a strong interest in developing open-source software packages for earthquake monitoring and seismic analysis.