Yana Fedortchouk



*On sabbatical leave until June 30, 2025.

Email: yana@dal.ca
Phone: +1 902 494 8432
Mailing Address: 
Dalhousie University
6287 Alumni Cres
PO BOX 15000
Halifax NS B3H 4R2
Life Sciences Centre
3rd Floor BIO/EES Wing
Rm. 3050


Ph.D., University of Victoria, 2006
Diploma (M.Sc.), Moscow State University, Russia, 1993


ERTH 3010: Igneous Petrology
ERTH 4151/5151: Mineral Deposits
ERTH 4510: Directed Readings


"My main interests are origin and evolution of kimberlites, magmas that form deep beneath the continents and transport diamonds to the surface of the Earth, and how these magmas react with the diamonds they carry. Natural diamonds have various surface features produced as a result of partial dissolution during ascent in kimberlite magma or during residence in their mantle source. These surface features vary a lot on diamonds recovered from different magmatic sources. I use diamonds to study kimberlites. Most traditional diamond studies look inside diamonds to find clues to their origin and related processes in the subcratonic mantle. At the same time, diamond surface keeps an equally important record of the recent (kimberlite) history and possibly of the diamond destroying processes in the subcontinental mantle. In my research, I combine experimental studies at high pressure and temperatures with studies of natural diamond parcels to examine the process of diamond resorption, how we can use surface features on diamonds to determine crystallization conditions of kimberlites, how we can predict the degree of diamond preservation in different kimberlite pipes. The character of diamond resorption is determined by the composition of fluid present in the magma. Therefore, the main direction of my studies is to develop methods for investigating fluid phase of diamond-bearing magmas in order to describe fluid systems of kimberlites from the mantle source to their eruption at the surface. My research has also an economical application through development of geochemical tools for predicting the preservation and quality of diamonds recovered from kimberlites."

Research opportunities

PhD and MSc research project that could start in fall 2018 (all financing pending):

  • Diamond preservation in kimberlite pipes
  • Metasomatism in subcratonic mantle: diamond-forming and diamond-destructive processes
  • Sources of fluid in kimberlite magma: what drives the magma ascent and controls diamond preservation