News and Events
- EUROPEAN AND LATIN AMERICAN POPULISMS -- Public roundtable with guest speakers Tobias Schminke, CEO and Founder, Europe Elects & Paulo Ravecca, Assistant Professor, Saint Mary’s University. Wed. 11th October: 1.00 - 2.00 pm.
- HYBRID WORKSHOP: open to public! European Union Trade and Economic Relations: Transatlantic and Global Challenges (Fri. 15th September, 9.00-4.30). With both in-person and Zoom participation, this workshop provided a multidisciplinary exploration into key issues concerning EU trade and economic relations in a time of uncertainty and change. Check out the programme, speaker profiles and poster.
- France-US Security and Defence Cooperation: Strategic Culture and Cognitive 'Antinomies' (8th Sept.) -- in-person public lecture from David Haglund, Professor, Department of Political Studies, Queen's University. 10.30-12.00, Lord Dalhousie Room, Henry Hicks A&A Building, in partnership with the Jean Monnet Chair in Border Control.
- Untangling the Climate Change/Migration/Security Nexus (24th-25th Aug.): The JMEUCE ws pleased to partner wtih the Centre for Security and Sustainable Development and the Jean Monnet Chair in Border Control on an international workshop at Dalhousie University exploring the connections between climate change, security, and migration. Check the CSSD website for the programme as well as abstracts and speaker biographies. For more information, please contact the JMEUCE Director, Ruben Zaiotti ( who co-organised the event.
- The Russian Invasion of Ukraine: One Year On. Public forum featuring Raluca Bejan, School of Social Work, Dalhousie University, Anders Hayden, Dept Political Science, Dalhousie University, Lyubov Zhyznomirska, Dept of Political Science, Saint Mary’s University and Brian Bow (Moderator), CSSD & Dept of Political Science, Dalhousie University. 15th Feb. 2023, Killam Library.
- Special APPSA Panel - THE UKRAINE-RUSSIA WAR OF 2022: UKRAINIAN AND INTERNATIONAL RESPONSES TO THE RUSSIAN INVASION. Part of the 2022 Atlantic Provinces Political Science Association Conference, hosted by Department of Political Science, Saint Mary's University. Special Panel open to public, in conjunction with JMEUCE. 1st Oct. 2022, Saint Mary's University.
- IRELAND IN THE EUROPEAN UNION: A TRANSFORMATIVE EXPERIENCE - public lecture with guest speaker Declan J. Walsh, Vice Dean for Internationalisation, School of Law, University College Cork, Ireland. 20th Sept. 2022, Henry Hicks A&A Building.
- Free public film screening and discussion of the award-winning documentary TRACE 5th May.
- International Workshop on Asylum Regimes, Bordering Practices and Asylum Seekers' Experiences: Gendering Violence and Precarity in Forced Migration. In-person collaboration between WASEM Project and JMEUCE from 5th-6th May 2022. See Publications for workshop outputs. Event included public film screening and discussion of the documentary TRACE -- see above.
- EU-Russia-Ukraine Relations: Diplomatic Reflections with Richard Wright, former EU Ambassador to Russia. Online event (by invitation) for Dal students held at -- and in collaboration with -- the University of Surrey. 22nd March 2022.
- The Conflict in Ukraine: A Forum - online event. 10th March 2022. Recording available at: Panel: Maya Eichler (Mount Saint Vincent University), Denis Kozlov (Dalhousie University), Lyubov Zhyznomirska (Saint Mary's University), Leah Sarson (Dalhousie University), Anders Hayden (Dalhousie University), Brian Bow (Dalhousie University); Moderator: Ruben Zaiotti (JMEUCE & Dalhousie University). Sponsored by the JMEUCE in collaboration with the Centre for the Study of Security and Development (CSSD), Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, and Office of Advancement, Dalhousie University.
- Visit to the JMEUCE by Charlotte Montel, Counsellor for Cultural and Scientific Cooperation, French Embassy in Ottawa, and Chloé Saulas, Cultural Attaché, Consulate General of France in Moncton. 10th Nov. 2021.
- Viscount Bennett Chair Roundtable on International Economic Law - Dispute Settlement Under the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement: Perspectives from North America and Europe. 5th Nov. 2021 via Zoom. Watch the recording of the panel here and read the subsequent Briefing Note. We were pleased to collaborate with the Schulich School of Law on this online event.
- Online lecture on Euro-African Borderwork and Local Politics in the Sahel, Philippe Frowd, School of Political Studies, University of Ottawa. 2nd Nov. 2021 via Collaborate Ultra.
- Internal Borders and Health Crisis in the EU: is Covid a Threat to Schengen? with Ngo Chun Luk, Researcher, Justice and Home Affairs Section, Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels. 1st Apr. 2021 via Teams Live. Watch the recording of the lecture on YouTube here.
- A New Beginning with President Biden: European Priorities for the Transatlantic Agenda. Markus Kaim, Senior Fellow, International Security Research Division, German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), Berlin. Thurs. 25th Feb. 2021 (Teams Live Event).
- Book launch and panel discussion on DIGITAL DIPLOMACY AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS with editors Corneliu Bjola (University of Oxford) and Ruben Zaiotti (Dalhousie University) and several contributors, 30th Nov. 2020 (Teams Live Event). Watch the video via YouTube here. For more information on the book, see: Digital Diplomacy and International Organisations | Taylor & Francis Group.
- Brexit: Breaking the EU, UK, British Isles... and the Law? Vincent Power, Partner, A&L Goodbody, Dublin. 28th Oct. 2020 (Teams Live event). Slides available as a pdf here and video via YouTube here.
- JMEUCE Director, Ruben Zaiotti, looks at the effects of the pandemic on European borders. This interview is part of the NEXTEUK Virtual Seminar Series of the Centre for European Research, QMUL.
- For a timely discussion of COVID-19 and refugees by JMEUCE Fellow Dimitri Constas, see: Overlapping Regimes in Times of Crisis: Refugees and the Pandemic.
- How Far is it from Rome to Lisbon? EU Trade Policy and Bargaining Power from 1958 until Today. Dirk De Bievre, Professor of International Politics, University of Antwerp (6th Feb. 2020) in collaboration with the Jean Monnet Network on EU-Canada Relations, Centre for European Studies at Carleton University, and Jean Monnet Chair in Public Diplomacy. Presentation available as a pdf here.
- Brexit: How Did We Get Here, Where Do We Go Now and What are the Lessons for Negotiators? Vincent Power, Partner, A&L Goodbody, Dublin, Ireland (21st Nov. 2019). Presentation available as a pdf here.
- THE WALL. A BORDER THROUGH GERMANY. The JMEUCE collaborated with the Department of German and other partners to present a German Government photographic exhibition for the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. The Exhibition, Reception & Panel Discussion featured Florian Bail, Julia Poertner, Mathias Rodorff & Ruben Zaiotti, with introductory remarks from Frank Harvey. (6th Nov. 2019)
- The Spectre of Populism in Europe: A Threat to Liberal Democracy? Oliver Schmidtke, Director, Centre for Global Studies, University of Victoria, in collaboration with the Jean Monnet Chair in Public Diplomacy and CIC-Halifax (8th Oct. 2019).
- EU Study Tour (12th May - 1st June 2019) and Internship Programme with two students representing Dalhousie.
- Workshop on International Organisations and Digital Diplomacy: The EU, UN and NATO on Social Media (24th Apr. 2019) featuring over a dozen speakers from international organisations and universities in Belgium, Canada, England, Germany and the US. Check out the Workshop Programme, Abstracts and Speaker Biographies. This event was organised by the JMEUCE and Jean Monnet Chair in Public Diplomacy at Dalhousie.
- Day of Debate: for local IB students (29th April 2019)
- The Economic Impact of Immigrants: What do Europeans really think?" - Zeynep Ozkok, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, St Francis Xavier University (8th Mar. 2019)
- EU and Asia-Pacific Relations: an Overview - Hungdah Su, Professor & Jean Monnet Chair, National University of Taiwan and Director General, European Union Centre in Taiwan. (19th Nov. 2018)
- Changing EU Schengen Visa Regime: Biopolitics, Risk Management, and Networked Databases - Can Mutlu, Department of Politics, Acadia University, Wolfville (5th Nov. 2018)
- Visit from delegates of the European Economic and Social Committee for meeting with JMEUCE Director and Deputy Director (29th Oct. 2018)
- Cannabis and the Canada-EU trade agreement: Opportunities and Challenges - Hon. Darrell Dexter, Global Public Affairs and MacEachen Institute (22nd Oct. 2018) in collaboration with MacEachen Institute
- The Nine Circles of Brexit: A Guided Tour of Britain's Path out of the EU - Ian Cooper, Brexit Institute, Dublin City University, Ireland (15th Oct. 2018). Public lecture presented in collaboration with CIC-Halifax
- The European Union and Global Ocean Governance - Jan-Stefan Fritz, German Marine Research Consortium, Brussels, Belgium (3rd Oct. 2018) Public lecture.
- Two-day workshop on Transparency and the Pharmaceutical Industry in Comparative Perspective held by the Jean Monnet Health and Policy Network at Dalhousie (3rd - 4th Jul. 2018). See: jmhealthnet.orgfor more information on this major three-year project.
- Two-day workshop on Transparency and the Pharmaceutical Industry in comparative Perspective held by the Jean Monnet Health and Policy Network at Dalhousie (3rd - 4th Jul. 2018). See: for more information on this major three-year project.
- Public Panel on Innovation in Housing Models and Policies for Older LGBTQi2S Populations: Lessons from the European Union - 29th Jun. 2018 as part of a two-day workshop organised by the JMEUCE in collaboration with the MacEachen Institute, Dalhousie University and the Halifax Public Libraries. See the Final Workshop Report.
- Public workshop on CETA Implementation: the Next Steps - 18th May 2018. Potter Auditorium, Rowe Building, Dalhousie University. See for workshop programme and other details or e-mail CETA Implementation: the Next Steps - public workshop (18th May). See for workshop programme, abstracts and available presentations and working papers, as well as the preliminary report of the project. For further information, e-mail
- EU Study Tour (13th May - 2nd June) & Internship Programme - The JMEUCE sponsored three students to participate in the 2018 programme -- "an excellent study opportunity -- less a "course" than an immersion in European institutions, a program for self-directed and independent study". See: or contact for details.
- Europe Day was celebrated on 9th May.
- Day of Debate: The JMEUCE hosted nearly 40 local IB and pre-IB students at Dalhousie to debate current EU issues - 11th April 2018.
- Canada-EU Relations: Perspectives from Berlin, Brussels & Rome - public panel discussion with Ambassador Stephane Dion, Ambassador Daniel Costello, Ambassador Alexandra Bugailiskis. Organised by JMEUCE and co-sponsored by the MacEachen Institute for Public Policy and Governance and the Centre for the Study of Security and Development. 16th March 2018. Watch the video recording.
- Still Europe's Underbelly? A Roundtable on Italy's Upcoming Elections, presented by the JMEUCE and Dalhousie's Italian Studies Program. 1st March 2018.
- Workshop on CETA Implementation: The Next Steps to be held at Dalhousie University, 18th May 2018. CALL FOR PAPERS - abstracts due by 15th March. Contact the CETA Implementation and Implications Project ( for details including possible funding support.
- MacKay Lecture: Thomas Faist - The Futures of Migration in Europe and Germany: A New Normalcy? 1st Dec. 2017
- H.E. Peteris Ustubs, EU Ambassador to Canada -- public talk on: The European Union as a Strategic Partner - 16th Nov. 2017. See Dal News article about this event:
- Roundtable - Catalonia's Quest for Independence: Another European Crisis? (Wed. 11th Oct.: 2.30-4.00), with speakers Dr Jerry White, Canada Research Chair in European Studies, Dalhousie University and Dr Ruben Zaiotti, Director, Jean Monnet European Union Centre of Excellence, Dalhousie University.
- Brexit Panel: What’s Next? Implications for Law & Life (20th September) in collaboration with the Schulich School of Law. in collaboration with the Schulich School of Law. Panel: Ruben Zaiotti (moderator), Vincent Power, Francesco Munari, Teresa Cyrus. See: panel poster for details.
- International Summer Institute on Migration and Identity (30th June-14th July 2017) in partnership with Dalhousie University's Centre for European Studies and Canadian Studies Program, as well as Pier 21. The interdisciplinary syllabus included lectures, readings, a field trip and opportunities to explore the museum.
- Models of institutionalised (dis-)integration? What next for the EU-US, CETA & Brexit? Elaine Fahey. Speaker Series - 24th March 2017.
- JMEUCE Deputy Director's presentation on Canada-EU Trade Agreement: Inching Towards Implementation for the EUTW International Workshop, Taiwan University (Dec. 2016)
- EU Study Tour (7th-27th May 2017) & Internship Programme with two students representing Dalhousie with JMEUCE support.
- The Status of Syrian Nationals living in Turkey and the EU-Turkey Migration Deal, Can Mutlu (Speakers' Series - Oct. 2016)
- Ukraine between the EU and Russia, Jaroslaw Janczak (Speakers' Series - Sept. 2016)