Social Insurance Number (SIN)

Social Insurance Number (SIN) is a 9-digit number that you need to work in Canada, to file taxes, or to have access to government programs and benefits. You should apply for a SIN if you plan to work in Canada.

To apply for a SIN, follow the instructions applicable to your situation below.


Applying with a study permit that does not authorize you to work off campus

  1. Apply for a change to your study permit OR apply for a co-op work permit (if eligible).
  2. Collect your new study permit/co-op work permit and passport. 
  3. Bring them to a Service Canada office in Halifax or Truro.
  4. At the office, complete the application for a Social Insurance Number (SIN) and wait in line.
  5. A Service Canada representative will verify your documents and you will receive a letter with a SIN.

Applying with a study permit that authorizes you to work off campus

  1. Collect your study permit and passport.
  2. Bring them to a Service Canada office in Halifax or Truro.
  3. At the office, complete the application for a Social Insurance Number (SIN) and wait in line.
  4. A Service Canada representative will verify your documents and you will receive a letter with a SIN.


NOTE: View this document for information on how to apply online.

Keeping your SIN valid

Make sure you keep your SIN valid by renewing your SIN each time you extend your temporary resident status in Canada (for example, when you extend your study permit or get a post-graduation work permit).

Please ensure you have a permit that authorizes you to work BEFORE going to the Service Canada office to extend your SIN.


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