Policies by category
Academic Appointments Policy [PDF - 119 kB]
Academic Forgiveness Policy [PDF - 54 kB]
Academic Schedule Policy [PDF - 296 kB]
Adjunct Appointment Guidelines [PDF - 221 kB]
Appointments, Tenure and Promotion Regulations [PDF - 125 kB]
Approval of Degrees Between Convocations [PDF - 13 kB]
Campus Booking Policy [PDF - 164 kB]
Challenge for Credit Policy [PDF - 124 kB]
Classroom Recording Protocol [PDF - 186 kB]
Fair Dealing Policy [PDF - 81 kB]
Grading Practices Policy [PDF - 283 kB]
Holistic Evaluation of Teaching Policy [PDF - 228 kB]
Missed or Late Academic Requirements Due to Student Absence [PDF - 310 kB]
Parchment Principles and Practices [PDF - 63 kB]
Policy on Awarding a Posthumous Degree [PDF - 40 kB]
Senate Policy for Faculty Reviews of Academic Programs [PDF - 782 kB]
Senate Reviews of Faculties Policy and Procedures [PDF - 150 kB]
Scholarly Misconduct Policy [PDF - 216 kB]
Student Accommodation Policy [PDF - 99 kB]
Student Feedback on Learning Experiences Policy [PDF - 261 kB]
Syllabus Policy [PDF - 307 kB]
Treatment of Grades Taken on Letter of Permission [PDF - 52 kB]
University Closure Policy [PDF - 301 kB]
University Policy Regarding Academic Appointments [PDF 119 kB]
Video Surveillance Policy [PDF - 391 kB]
Annual Fume Hood Inspection [PDF - 4 MB]
Capital Projects Governance Policy [PDF - 101 kB]
Naming Policy [PDF - 173 kB]
Purchase and Sale of Real Property [PDF - 103 kB]
Gift Acceptance Policy [PDF - 120 kB]
Social Media Response Guidelines [PDF - 68 kB]
Disposal of Surplus Equipment Policy [PDF - 99 kB]
Employment Requisition Policy [PDF - 174 kB]
Endowment Management Policy [PDF - 24 kB]
Expendable Funds Investment Policy [PDF - 144 kB]
External Debt Policy [PDF - 126 kB]
Hospitality Expense Policy [PDF - 235 kB]
Investment Committee Terms of Reference [PDF - 507 kB]
Operating Budget Carry-forward Policy [PDF - 16 kB]
Paper Policy [PDF - 259 kB]
Procurement Policy [PDF - 135 kB]
Spending Authority for University Funds [PDF - 150 kB]
Tuition Fee Policy [PDF - 342 kB]
University Travel Policy [PDF - 336 kB]
Conflict of Interest Policy [PDF - 109 kB]
Contract Approval Signing Policy [PDF - 370 kB]
Guidelines for Retention of External Legal Counsel [PDF - 33 kB]
Guidelines for the Review of Non-academic Units [PDF - 415 kB]
Intellectual Property Policy [PDF - 388 kB]
President and Chancellor Emeritus Policy [PDF - 102 kB]
Privacy Policy [PDF - 88 kB]
Protection of Personal Information Policy [PDF - 262 kB]
Accident Investigation
Accident Reporting
Alcohol Policy [PDF - 285 kB]
Asbestos Management Policy [PDF - 111 kB]
Biosecurity Plan [PDF - 5.5 MB]
Contractor Safety Policy [PDF - 22 kB]
Environmental Health and Safety Policy [PDF - 229 kB]
Equipment Lockout Policy
Green Cleaning Policy [PDF - 115 kB]
Local Safety Committee Policy
No Smoking Policy [PDF - 32 kB]
Pet Animals Policy (Currently under review)
Safe Commuting Policy
Sustainability Policy [PDF - 184 kB]
Workshop Safety Policy [PDF - 47 kB]
Workplace Violence Policy [PDF - 190 kB]
Academic Staff Grievance Process [PDF - 125 kB]
Employee Accommodation Policy [PDF - 242 kB]
Employment Equity Policy [PDF - 150 kB]
Senior Administrative Appointments Policy [PDF - 186 kB]
Telework Policy and Procedures [PDF - 257 kB]
Gender Affirmation Policy [PDF - 287 kB]
Personal Harassment Policy [PDF - 32 kB]
Sexualized Violence Policy [PDF - 303 kB]
Statement on Prohibited Discrimination [PDF - 195 kB]
International Travel Policy [PDF - 367 kB]
Acceptable Use Policy [PDF - 173 kB]
Institutional Data Access Policy [PDF - 259 kB]
Records Management Policy [PDF - 255 kB]
Controlled Goods Policy [PDF - 499 kB]
Ethical Conduct of Research Involving Humans [PDF - 216 kB]
Research Accountability Statement [PDF - 292 kB]
Research Centres and Institutes Policy [PDF - 263 kB]
Research Equipment Policy [PDF - 5.6 MB]
Residual Funds in Research Accounts Policy [PDF - 293 kB]
US Department of Energy Facility User Policy [PDF - 187 kB]
Conflict of Interest (US Public Health Service) - [PDF - 793 kB]
US Public Health Service Research Misconduct Policy [PDF - 163 kB]
Associated Costs of Research Policy [PDF - 193 kB]
Code of Student Conduct [PDF - 355 kB]
Additional policy resources
If you can’t find the policy you’re looking for on this site, try searching in the following locations:
- Unit websites: Policies related to a single Faculty, department or administrative group my be found on their website or myDal intranet site.
- Academic calendars: Dalhousie's academic calendars include information on university regulations, academic regulations, and degree requirements.
- Collective agreements: Collective agreements for all employee groups at Dalhousie can be found on the Labour Relations website.
- Residence code of conduct: Visit the Residence website to learn more about the rules and responsibilities of living in residence. The residence code of conduct can be found in the Residence Community Living Guide.
- Safety and crisis management: You’ll find the Dalhousie University Crisis Management Master Plan on the Facilities Management website.
Policy governance
The University Secretariat is responsible for maintaining the policy repository. Dalhousie's policies, procedures and guidelines are developed, reviewed, and modified on an ongoing basis. The official versions of current policies, procedures and guidelines are contained on this site and are updated as appropriate approving authorities approve changes. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the policies included on this site, the university does not warrant the completeness of the repository.
Policy on policies
The Policy on Policies establishes a mechanism to develop, approve, amend, review, and revoke University Policies in a consistent and coordinated manner which respects the University’s governance requirements and core values that guide decision-making.
View the Policy on Policies [PDF - 129 kB]
University policy template
University policies must be drafted using the approved university policy template. This template is also available in Appendix A of the Policy on Policies.
For a Word version of this template, contact the University Secrcetariat.
Download the university policy template [PDF - 64 kB]
Academic Appointments Policy [PDF - 119 kB]
Academic Forgiveness Policy [PDF - 54 kB]
Academic Schedule Policy [PDF - 296 kB]
Academic Staff Grievance Process [PDF - 125 kB]
Acceptable Use Policy [PDF - 173 kB]
Adjunct Appointment Guidelines [PDF - 221 kB]
Alcohol Policy [PDF - 285 kB]
Annual Fume Hood Inspection [PDF - 4 MB]
Appointments, Tenure and Promotion Regulations [PDF - 125 kB]
Approval of Degrees Between Convocations [PDF - 13 kB]
Asbestos Management Policy [PDF - 111 kB]
Awarding a Posthumous Degree Policy [PDF - 40 kB]
Biosecurity Plan [PDF - 5.5 MB]
Campus Booking Policy [PDF - 164 kB]
Capital Projects Governance Policy [PDF - 101 kB]
Challenge for Credit Policy [PDF - 124 kB]
Classroom Recording Protocol [PDF - 186 kB]
Code of Student Conduct [PDF - 355 kB]
Conflict of Interest (US Public Health Service) - [PDF - 793 kB]
Conflict of Interest Policy [PDF - 109 kB]
Contract Approval Signing Policy [PDF - 370 kB]
Contractor Safety Policy [PDF - 22 kB]
Controlled Goods Policy [PDF - 499 kB]
Disposal of Surplus Equipment Policy [PDF - 99 kB]
Employee Accommodation Policy [PDF - 242 kB]
Employment Equity Policy [PDF - 150 kB]
Employment Requisition Policy [PDF - 174 kB]
Endowment Funds Investment Policy [PDF- 389 kB]
Endowment Management Policy [PDF - 24 kB]
Environmental Health and Safety Policy [PDF - 229 kB]
Ethical Conduct of Research Involving Humans [PDF - 216 kB]
Exam Rescheduling Policy [PDF - 60 kB]
Expendable Funds Investment Policy [PDF - 144 kB]
External Debt Policy [PDF - 126 kB]
Fair Dealing Policy [PDF - 81 kB]
Gender Affirmation Policy [PDF - 287 kB]
Gift Acceptance Policy [PDF - 120 kB]
Grading Practices Policy [PDF - 283 kB]
Green Cleaning Policy [PDF - 115 kB]
Guidelines for the Review of Non-academic Units [PDF - 415 kB]
Holistic Evaluation of Teaching Policy [PDF - 228 kB]
Hospitality Expense Policy [PDF - 235 kB]
Institutional Data Access Policy [PDF - 259 kB]
Intellectual Property Policy [PDF - 388 kB]
International Travel Policy [PDF - 367 kB]
Investment Committee Terms of Reference [PDF - 507 kB]
Missed or Late Academic Requirements Due to Student Absence [PDF - 310 kB]
Naming Policy [PDF - 173 kB]
No Smoking Policy [PDF - 32 kB]
Operating Budget Carry-forward Policy [PDF - 16 kB]
Overhead on Research Funds Policy [PDF - 156 kB]
Paper Policy [PDF - 259 kB]
Parchment Principles and Practices [PDF - 63 kB]
Personal Harassment Policy [PDF - 32 kB]
Pet Animals Policy (Currently under review)
Policy on Policies [PDF - 129 kB]
Policy on University Closure [PDF - 301 kB]
President and Chancellor Emeritus Policy [PDF - 102 kB]
Privacy Policy [PDF - 88 kB]
Procurement Policy [PDF - 135 kB]
Prohibited Discrimination Policy [PDF - 195 kB]
Protection of Personal Information Policy [PDF - 262 kB]
Purchase and Sale of Real Property [PDF - 103 kB]
Records Management Policy [PDF - 255 kB]
Research Accountability Statement [PDF - 292 kB]
Research Centres and Institutes Policy [PDF - 263 kB]
Research Equipment Policy [PDF - 5.6 MB]
Residual Funds in Research Accounts Policy [PDF - 293 kB]
Retention of External Legal Counsel Guidelines [PDF - 33 kB]
Scholarly Misconduct Policy [PDF - 216 kB]
Senate Policy for Faculty Reviews of Academic Programs [PDF - 367 kB]
Senate Reviews of Faculties Policy and Procedures [PDF - 150 kB]
Senior Administrative Appointments Policy [PDF - 186 kB]
Sexualized Violence Policy [PDF - 303 kB]
Social Media Response Guidelines [PDF - 68 kB]
Spending Authority for University Funds [PDF - 150 kB]
Student Accommodation Policy [PDF - 99 kB]
Student Feedback on Learning Experiences Policy [PDF - 261 kB]
Sustainability Policy [PDF - 184 kB]
Syllabus Policy [PDF - 307 kB]
Telework Policy and Procedures [PDF - 257 kB]
Treatment of Grades Taken on Letter of Permission [PDF - 52 kB]
Tuition Fee Policy [PDF - 342 kB]
US Department of Energy Facility User Policy [PDF - 187 kB]
US Public Health Service Research Misconduct Policy [PDF - 163 kB]
US Public Health Service Research Misconduct Policy [PDF - 163 kB]
University Travel Policy [PDF - 336 kB]
Video Surveillance Policy [PDF - 391 kB]
Workplace Violence Policy [PDF - 190 kB]
Workshop Safety Policy [PDF - 47 kB]
Policy contacts
For questions about the policy repository:
Contact John Hope, general counsel and university secretary
For questions about specific policies:
Contact the responsible unit listed on the policy document.