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Social Media Directory

Welcome to Dalhousie University's social media directory. We encourage students, staff, faculty, alumni, and the community at large to connect with us online. Whether you're interested in knowing what's happening within a particular faculty, on campus, or what our senior leaders are up to—you'll find it here.

Connect with Dalhousie University on social media

Department of International Development Studies

Centre for Executive and Graduate Education

Centre for the Study of Security and Development

Department of Chemistry

Department of Classics

Department of Economics

Department of English

Department of International Development Studies

Department of Psychology and Neuroscience

English as a Second Language Programs

Environmental Science Program

Faculty of Architecture and Planning

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Faculty of Computer Science

Faculty of Dentistry

Faculty of Engineering

Faculty of Graduate Studies

Faculty of Health

Faculty of Medicine

Faculty of Open Learning and Career Development

Fountain School of Performing Arts

Global Health Office

School of Communication Sciences and Disorders

School of Health Administration

School of Health Sciences

School of Nursing

School of Occupational Therapy

School of Physiotherapy

School of Public Administration

Schulich School of Law

Athletics (Dal Tigers)

Event and Conference Services

Human Resources

Human Rights and Equity Services

Information Technology Services

International Centre

Security Services

Student Life

Summer Accommodations


Canada’s Ocean Supercluster

MacEachen Institute for Public Policy and Governance

Marine Environmental Observation Prediction and Response Network (MEOPAR)

Ocean Frontier Institute

Ocean Tracking Network

Romeo Dallaire Child Soldiers Initiative 

SURGE Science Innovation Sandbox 


All social media content is the responsibility of the individual organization, society, department, or faculty. Views expressed may not necessarily be those of Dalhousie University and links can be removed at any time.

Dalhousie University's official social media profiles are places for discussing news, events, and life at Dalhousie. We welcome diverse opinions, open dialogue, comments, and shared links from our community, but ask that users be respectful of others.

We reserve the right to remove posts that are using this space to solicit, spam, or use social communities to promote endeavours unrelated to Dalhousie.

We reserve the right to remove posts that include threats, profanity, spam, or other abusive commentary. We reserve the right to remove racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise discriminatory content. Finally, we reserve the right to remove comments or any other content we deem unacceptable at our sole discretion. We also reserve the right to remove and/or block users who are deemed to be breaking our community guidelines.

Please note that we are unable to respond to particulars in most cases, such as the status of someone's admission to the university.

If you have questions or concerns, or wish to submit your Dalhousie-related social media account to be added to this directory, please email