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Contact us

Henry Hicks Academic Administration Building 
6283 Alumni Crescent, Room 108 
PO Box 15000 
Halifax, NS B3H 4R2

Provost and vice-president academic (acting)

Dr. Marty Leonard - Room 108

Executive assistant to the provost and operations manager

Jacqui Langille - Room 108 

Chief of staff and executive director, provost office 

Jennifer Murray - Room 228A

Associate vice-president academic

Dr. Leslie Phillmore - Room 332

Associate vice-president academic, special projects

Dr. Chris Moore

Manager administration and operations for the AVP/ED 

Linda Ruhloff - Room 332

Executive director, Centre for Learning & Teaching

Dr. Suzanne Lemay-Sheffield (acting)  - Killam Memorial Library, Suite G90

Academic quality assurance manager

Courtney Sutton - Room 332

Office of Planning and Analytics

Vice-provost planning and analytics

Sonia Beattie - Room 337

Executive assistant to the vice-provost and planning coordinator

Katherine Rudolph - Room 337

Assistant vice-provost, planning and strategy

Leanne French-Munn - Room 337