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Program proposals

Dalhousie is committed to innovation and the continuous development of its programs. This requires a dynamic and efficient program proposal process —the phases and steps involved to create a new, or make changes to an existing, academic program.


This process is part of Dalhousie's overall academic quality assurance framework, and is consistent with the expectations of the Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission

The Senate Academic Programs and Research Committee (SAPRC) oversees academic program approvals and quality assurance of academic programs. The academic quality assurance manager in the provost’s office guides undergraduate program proposals through the approval or modification process, and the Faculty of Graduate Studies supports graduate programs.

Download the Assessment of Program Proposals [PDF-69.3KB] for a visual overview of the new program and major modification approval process at Dalhousie.

Types of Program Proposals

There are five types of program proposals at Dalhousie:
