Douglas Seaman

Implementation Specialist, Automatic Data Processing Canada

Has serendipity played a role in your career? I don’t really think serendipity has played much of a role in my career. While I have taken a fairly atypical path to where I am today, I’ve always believed that if you work hard you will see positive results. At any given time in my life, I’ve always done what I determined to be the best thing for me to do at the time. 

In making those decisions I considered my wellbeing and happiness along with that of my loved ones, and whatever I found myself doing, I made sure to do my best at it. As my professional interests began to take shape, particularly at the SIM, I began to focus more on those in terms of what electives I chose and what projects I worked on. I continue to seek out stretch assignments and opportunities in my current role, and believe that continuously challenging yourself allows for growth and an ongoing sense of accomplishment.

What skill is most in-demand for people entering the field today? A degree in Library and Information Studies opens all kinds of doors, and so there are many different in-demand skills for people entering the workplace today. This said, there are some broader skills, which might perhaps be defined as “soft skills”, that I think are most critical: reliability, integrity, focus, and the ability to work well with others.

Career tips for emerging professionals? Continue to do your best at whatever it is you are doing. Work hard, be honest with yourself and with others, act with integrity, and align yourself with others whom you perceive to be doing the same.