Core Program

The first two years are dedicated to core courses in Interdisciplinary Management, Accounting, Marketing, Ethics and Social Responsibility, Government Structure, Working with Data, Economics and Organizational Behaviour. In your third and fourth years is when you would choose to major, minor or start taking electives to customize your degree. 

Find printable worksheets for Management and RecManagement on the Management myDal site (login required).

  Fall (September to December)                            Winter (January to April)
Year 1

Micro Economics
(Econ 1101)

Interdisciplinary Management I
(MGMT 1301)

Financial Accounting
(MGMT 1101) 

Management Software and Technology
(MGMT 1601)

Writing Requirement*

 *View a list of courses that satisfy the writing requirement
on the academic calendar (scroll down).

Macro Economics
(ECON 1102)

Interdisciplinary Management II
(MGMT 1302)

Innovation:  Design Thinking
(MGMT 2902)

Open Elective

Writing Requirement*

 *View a list of courses that satisfy the writing requirement
on the academic calendar (scroll down).

Year 2

Micro Organizational Behaviour
(MGMT 2303)

Intro to Marketing
(MGMT 2401)

Working with Data
(MGMT 2605)

Government Structure
(MGMT 2801)

Open Elective

Macro Organizational Behaviour
(MGMT 2304)

Ethics and Social Responsibility
(MGMT 2305)

Marketing Applications for Not-For-Profit Sectors
(MGMT 2402)

Open Elective

Open Elective

Year 3

Financial Management
(MGMT 3201)

Professional Communications Skills
(MGMT 3602)

Management Elective

Open Elective

Open Elective

Research Methods and Applied Data Analytics
(MGMT 3001)

Operations Management
(MGMT 3501)

Open Elective

Open Elective

Open Elective


Optional Internship

Optional Internship

Final Year

Strategic Management
(MGMT 4003)

Management Elective

Open Elective

Open Elective

Open Elective

Interdisciplinary Capstone
(MGMT 4004)

Management Elective

Open Elective

Open Elective

Open Elective