School of Social Work Alumni Scholarship


To provide one or more annual financial awards to students in the BSW and MSW program, who demonstrate the highest values of humanity, social justice, community, and service in the study of Social Work and in their contribution to the School of Social Work.

The School of Social Work Alumni Scholarship fund combines the SSW Alumni Scholarship for MSW students (established at the SSW Alumni Reunion 2000, which was held on August 4 and 5, 2000, to celebrate the School's history and accomplishments and to support graduate students) and the BSW Alumni Scholarship. This scholarship was established in June, 1994, on the occasion of professor Mary Louise Courtney's retirement from the faculty. It is a tribute to her more than 30 years of teaching and her contributions to the School of Social Work.


  1. Earnings from the fund will be used to provide one or more annual scholarship(s) to a student(s) enrolled in the BSW and MSW program at the School of Social Work.
  2. The recipient of the SSW Alumni scholarship will have demonstrated the highest values of humanity, social Justice, community and service in the study of social work and in the contributions to the SSW.
  3. If in any given year there are no students who meet the requirements as specified, the earnings for that year will be added to the capital of the fund.
  4. Any student enrolled in the School of Social Work or a faculty member at that school may nominate a student for these scholarships except a student may not nominate her or himself.
  5. For the BSW Alumni Scholarship, eligible students are those who are expecting to graduate in May or October of the next year.

Funded by:

Alumni, faculty and friends of the School of Social Work

Nomination Procedure:

To nominate a student, submit a brief letter to the BSW Committee Chair. Send your letter to the address listed below.

The letter should indicate:

  • that the nomination is for the Alumni Scholarship;
  • the name of the person being nominated;
  • the fact that the person has agreed to allow her or himself to be nominated;
  • the signature of the faculty member or student making the nomination and at least one additional faculty member or student seconding the nomination;
  • a statement describing how the nominee contributed to the learning of the other students and/or to the operation of the School including, for example:
    • providing leadership in group projects;
    • providing tutoring and/or support to other students;
    • making class presentations;
    • facilitating class discussion;
    • organizing special meetings or educational sessions;
    • participating on committees;
    • participating in the student group.

BSW Committee Chair, C/O Linda Power
School of Social Work
Dalhousie University
1459 LeMarchant Street, Suite 3201
P.O. Box 15000
Halifax, NS   B3H 4R2


October 15th annually

Awarding body:

The Bachelor of Social Work Program and the Master of Social Work Program Committee, School of Social Work or the faculty of the SSW. The SSW Alumni Committee, through its executive committee will normally make the presentation.

Initial amount of capital:

Fundraising is ongoing


Use of capital and income:

The capital is to be held by Dalhousie University and invested in such manner as the Investment Committee acting under the authority of the Board of Governors, in their sole discretion shall decide. A portion of the income generated annually by the capital may, at the discretion of the Investment Committee, be reinvested with the capital sum, in accordance with the Endowment Management Policy of the Board of Governors.

General info:

Dalhousie University may revise or amend the terms of this fund if it becomes difficult to achieve the original purpose of the fund or if the donor (or those who contributed more than 50 per cent of the fund where there is more than one donor) indicates a desire to change the terms. In making such revisions or amendments, Dalhousie University shall consider the general intent and spirit of the original gift.