Semester 3 Admission Requirements
This two-calendar-year (six-semester) continuous period of study is designed for students who have previously studied at university and have completed the following pre-requisite courses:
i. Subject requirements:
- Anatomy (ANAT) 1010 or equivalent-3 credit hours
- Physiology (PHYL) 1001 and 1002 or 1011 and 1012 (or PHYL 1001 + Biological Science) -6 credit hours
- Statistics (STAT) 1060 or equivalent-3 credit hours
- Microbiology (MICI) 1100 or equivalent-3 credit hours
- English (ASSC) 1700 or equivalent writing course-3 credit hours
- Science elective-3 credit hours
- Open electives*-9 credit hours
*Nursing courses cannot be used to fulfill the open electives pre-requisite requirement.
ii. A minimum grade of C in each of Anatomy, Physiology (6 CR or 3 CR + Biological Science 3 CR), Statistics, and English is required. A minimum grade of C in each of the open electives and science elective is required.
iii. A student with a .03 credit hour combined Anatomy and Physiology course will also be required to have .06 additional credit hours of Biological Sciences
iv. A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 based on overall post-secondary career or most recent year of studies (30 credit hours)
v. Meeting the minimum entrance GPA does not guarantee admission. As a result of the competitive admission process, applicants typically require a higher entrance GPA than the minimums listed in the admission requirements.
Students study through the fall, winter, and spring/summer semesters, graduating in the fall of the second year.
Applicants should consider whether financial, work and family responsibilites will allow for study full time, year round.