Health stars of tomorrow: The Healthy Populations Institute’s Healthy Populations Journal is led by Dalhousie students with a passion for health equity

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Health stars of tomorrow: The Healthy Populations Institute’s Healthy Populations Journal is led by Dalhousie students with a passion for health equity

Posted by Josey Houle, Dal Health Communications Intern on August 30, 2022 in Research

Fall 2021 Healthy Populations Journal. Cover art: Cassandra Bruhm/Atlantic IMN

Since making its debut in 2021, HPI’s free, open access HPJ has featured innovative research in local population health and global health equity. In 2020, PhD in Health Student Christie Stilwell co-founded and co-created the HPJ with other HPI-affiliated graduate students. Today, Stilwell serves as HPJ’s co-editor-in-chief. 

Stilwell insisted that HPI’s support of the journal has been “absolutely amazing”. 

HPJ’s editorial team is made up of 16 graduate and doctoral students from different health research backgrounds. Thanks to the team’s breadth of connections, peer reviewing has a quick turnaround.

“Our diverse editorial team really helps with the strength of the journal,” explained Julia Kontak, managing editor.  

HPJ is featuring two special issues over the next year: one on the social determinants of health; another on Indigenous health and health equity. In partnership with the Atlantic Indigenous Mentorship Network, the editorial team is offering various workshops for those hoping to publish work in HPJ’s special issues.  

“Partnerships are beneficial in multiple ways. I think we can all open doors for each other,” said Stilwell. 

In addition to poetry, stories, articles, research and book reviews, Stilwell and Kontak are especially keen to publish research commentaries, and artwork of various mediums. Students, professors, scientists, policy makers, community members across the world — all are encouraged to submit their work. Submission portals for HPJ’s regular issues are open an ongoing basis. However, submission consideration for their special Indigenous health and health equity issue ends August 31, 2022. Eligibility criteria and uploading instructions can be found here.