Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Accessibility


Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Accessibility

Equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility (EDIA) is an institutional priority and creating a welcoming environment demands engagement. Learn more about the university's commitments in the Diversity and Inclusion Strategy and Inclusive Excellence, one of the five inter-connected pillars within the university's Strategic Plan, Third-Century Promise

The Office for Equity and Inclusion supports a welcoming and respectful working environment. You can contact the Office confidentially at 902-494-6672 or dalrespect@dal.ca for guidance, resources and policies, including:

Be Counted

All faculty, staff and students are asked to complete the confidential Dalhousie Census. The census of the university population is vital to make informed decisions on policy and planning. After receiving your NetID, log in to DalOnline click on “Personal Information” then “Dalhousie Census Be Counted”.


Dalhousie is committed to accessible employment for all faculty and staff. Accessibility, Accommodation and Wellness is a dedicated team within the People and Culture that administers the university’s Employment Accommodation Policy to provide a workplace that supports full participation and engagement of members of the university community.

Accessibility, Accommodation and Wellness also administers provisions of the university’s sick leave benefits, which include short-term sick leave for illness/injury, long-term disability benefits, and return to work planning, as well as education and outreach to the broad Dalhousie community. If you have questions regarding accessible employment or accommodation, please contact us at Accessible.Employment@dal.ca or visit Accessibility, Accommodation and Wellness [login required].

​​​​​Support systems

Within the Dalhousie campuses there are several organizations for faculty and staff belonging to equity-deserving groups to reach out to for information and resources. These include the Dalhousie Black Faculty & Staff Caucus; the Queer Faculty and Staff CaucusLGBTQ2SIA+ Collaborative;​ the Indigenous Advisory Council; the dis(ability) Caucus for Faculty and Staff (login required) and the Women in Research Caucus. There may be similar organizations within a Faculty or Administrative Unit that can provide support. For further information, please contact your faculty or unit administrator.​

Next page: Employee Groups