» Go to news mainCOVID‑19: Updated mask guidance now in effect [post updated with correct mask link]
Posted by Communications, Marketing and Creative Services on
September 2, 2022
General Announcements
As previously communicated, Dalhousie's mask guidance has been updated as of September 1 to the following:
- Masks must be worn in all indoor instructional spaces during scheduled teaching time. This includes classrooms, teaching labs, tuitorials, seminars, etc.
- Masks continue to be required at Student Health and Wellness clinics in Halifax and Truro and in other health-care contexts and settings (Dental Clinic, Dal Physio Clinic, etc.).
- Masks are strongly recommended in libraries and learning commons as well as gathering spaces where physical distancing may be difficult
- Masks are voluntary in other campus spaces, including but not limited to residences, athletic facilities, workspaces and research labs.
A full summary of mask procedures can be found at the COVID-19 Information and Updates website.
Promotional poster
An updated mask poster is available to the Dal community to share or post in their offices, workspaces and other campus spaces. The poster can be downloaded below, and is sized for standard letter-sized printing (8.5x11).