SCSD Student Society

Chaired by a second year student, the SCSD Student Society is an organization comprised of representatives from all three years of the program. Objectives of the Society are as follows:

  • To promote unity within the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders (SCSD) by facilitating and maintaining communication and cooperation among students and faculty.
  • To encourage and provide opportunities for participation in social and educational events of society members.
  • To establish and maintain communication with other student societies within the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Graduate Studies and the Dalhousie Student Union.
  • To organize the monies and properties granted to, or otherwise acquired by, the Society to fulfill the objectives.
  • To organize activities for the student society in accordance with all university, student union, and school regulations and policies.

Student Society Members for 2021-2022

President Morghan Manuel
Vice President Melina Markotjohn
Secretary Allison Grogan
Social Representatives Laura Alcorn
Matthew Webb
Clinician Appreciation Committee Co-Chairs Megan Mongeau
Olivia Cadieux
SAC Representatives Brianna Bennett
Rowan Henkelmann
Colloquium Representative Laine Ingratta
Committee on Studies Representative Brianna Parker
Curriculum Committee Representatives Melina Markotjohn
Anna Gores
Grad class Co-Chairs (2021-2022) Taylor Bachman
Taylor Hill
Grad Class Co-Chairs Madeleine Duffy
Jessica Danielle
Sports Representatives Mariah Robichaud
Olivia Devine
Professional Advocacy Representatives Kelly Ivey
Halle Loyek
DAGS/DSU Representative Orianna Pittman Caines
CAA Representative (3rd Year Audiology Student) Lauren Peters
CAA Representative (2nd Year Audiology Student) Brianna Bennett
DalHSSA Representative Samantha Meehan
Student Advocacy & Inclusion Advisors Danielle Ross
Kendell Massier
For the Health of It (FTHOI) Representatives Orianna Pittman Caines
Diversity Committee Co-Chairs Halle Loyek & TBD
Diversity Committee Representative TBD

Class Representatives

First Year Speech-Language Pathology
Second Year Speech-Language Pathology Brianna Parker
  Audiology Julia MacKinnon
Third Year Speech-Language Pathology  