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Dalhousie Gold takes third prize in Preliminary Atlantic ACM Programming Contest

Posted by Allison Kincade on October 7, 2014 in Students, News, Awards

Congratulations to Alexander Zinck, Raphel Bronfman-Nadas & Tyler Blair of the programming team, "Dalhousie Gold", for winning Third Prize at the Preliminary Atlantic ACM Programming Contest at UNB Saint John on Friday, October 3. 

The Science Atlantic (formerly APICS) Programming Competition is a preliminary round of the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC), a multi-tier, team-based competition. The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) is the world's largest educational scientific computing society.

How the preliminary round works:

  1. A preliminary round of a regional contest is held at one of the Atlantic Canada Universities in October; approximately 20 teams participate each year
  2. Teams consist of three students (no spares, no substitutions, all with five or less years of university education)
  3. The best two teams (sometimes three) are invited to the Northeast North American Regional Contest. Once this round is complete (October 18) teams will find out if the best two or three teams move on.
  4. The best team (sometimes two) from the Northeast Regional Contest is invited to the World Finals

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