Supplemental Application Form

For application to the Fountain School of Performing Arts, Acting Program, 2023-24

 BA Theatre (honours)
 BA Theatre (non-honours)
 BA/BSc combined honours with Theatre
 BA/BSc double major with Theatre as first major
 BA/BSc double major with Theatre as second major
(If undecided, please choose BA Theatre (honours). Choice is not binding.

General Information

(if you're a current Dal student)
(high school/university)
 yes (*provide transcript for equivalency assessment)
*Please send a copy of your transcript to the Fountain School of Performing Arts, Please note that automatic transfers to Acting are not possible. You must complete a successful audition to join the Acting program.

Theatre and Artistic Experience


Audition Information

Visit Acting Auditions for High School Students for further details.



Reference Information

Please supply the names of two (2) referees (preferably a former drama teacher, director, community leader, or someone with whom the applicant has worked in a creative capacity). Each person below must provide a reference letter to the Fountain School. Reference letters must be received directly from referees to OR mailed to Fountain School of Performing Arts, PO Box 15000, Halifax, NS B3H 4R2. Letters must be received AT LEAST TWO WEEKS IN ADVANCE of your audition date.

List reference name, relationship, phone number and email
List reference name, relationship, phone number and email


Other Materials to be Provided with this Form

a) One-Page Declaration - please provide a one-page declaration of why you want to be an actor at the Fountain School of Performing Arts and what you hope to do once you complete your degree.

b) Current Photo and Resume of Relevant Work and Experience

Please email materials to or mail to Fountain School of Performing Arts, PO Box 15000, Halifax, NS B3H 4R2


Select an Audition Date

We welcome both video and in-person auditions for new applicants. In-person audition dates are subject to change. Please do not make travel plans until your audition date is confirmed.
*High school students applying for the Fountain Performing Arts Undergraduate Scholarship must audition in-person on March 10, 2023 OR supply a video audition by March 1, 2023. Please see Audition Requirements for High School Students for more details.
