Payment Options

Important Notice


Your Student Account Balances -Tuition & Fees on Dal Online will provide you with current details of your account, including the amount owing, payment history and account activity by term.  


For the 2024/2025 academic year

Fall term fees are due Sept 17, 2024, and Winter term fees are due January 20, 2025. When making any payment you will need to provide:

  • Student Identification Number (Dal ID B########)
  • Student Name
  • Student Birthdate

Preferred Payment Methods:


Other Payment Methods:

Dal Online (Updated Tuition and Fee Payment Option)

Credit Card payments can now be made through the Dal Online Student Accounts, Web for Students portal for Tuition and fees offered by TouchNet/PayPath. Please note, TouchNet/PayPath does charge a non-refundable convenience fee for any payments made by Credit Card using their services. This option is only offered by TouchNet/PayPath as a service, online ONLY, and not by Dalhousie or by in-person payments. The convenience fee is charged by TouchNet/PayPath and not by Dalhousie. The convenience fee amount is provided prior to making the payment.  Dalhousie encourages students to use the other preferred payment methods.

TouchNet/PayPath credit card payments offer a same day posting of transaction and is applied to the student account in real time. To see an applied credit card transaction, you will need to log out and log back in, or refresh your session.

This is limited to the TouchNet/PayPath portal only and does not grant authorisation to the student account details by phone, in-person or by email. For authorization of student account access, go to:

Log into Dal online and select:

·         Web for Students

·         Student Records

·         Student Account Balances -Tuition & Fees (You will be directed to TouchNet/PayPath)

·         Select: My Account, then Account Activity and Select the Term

Note, for King’s Students please refer to the following link for payment options:

Student Accounts also accepts credit card payments through Dal Online Student Accounts Web Payments Site for:

TouchNet Payment for Authorized Users

TouchNet/PayPath offers the ability to add an authorised user to make payments on behalf of the student. The link for Authorized Users (not for students or staff) is:

Note: Multi-factor authentication (MFA) will be turned on for payments made by Authorized Users on January 21, 2025. This will not impact students who log into DalOnline to make payments through TouchNet. 

By Mail

Tuition payments by mail can be sent to:

Dalhousie University
Student Accounts
PO Box 15000
Halifax, NS B3H 4R2

Please note: Cheques and money orders should be made payable to Dalhousie University and reference your student ID (BXXXXXXXX).


Student Account Appointment Bookings - LeMarchant Place Welcome Centre, 1246 LeMarchant St

Canadian debit card, cheque or money order with student name and ID# Bxxxxxxxx included

To help provide better cutomer service please Book an in-person appointment with one of our customer service reps:  Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm, Wednesday 9:30-4:00 (Atlantic) at 1(902)494-3998 or by e-mail at

King's Payment Options

Note,  King’s Students please refer to the following link for payment options:


Please note: Money transferred to a student’s account are not to exceed the annual charges associated with tuition and ancillary fees. Funding for off-campus and personal expenses is to be sent directly to the student. Overpayment on a student's account will be held on the account for up to one academic year for future fees.

Dalhousie does not accept wire transfer or cash as a form of payment for tuition and fee payments.


Quick links: