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Dalhousie Green Labs program seeking labs for Green Labs Certification

Posted by Office of Sustainability on November 15, 2021 in General Announcements

Dalhousie University Office of Sustainability is launching the first cohort of Green Labs certifications on November 22nd and is seeking labs looking to evaluate and improve the environmental impact of their spaces to get certified.

Did you know laboratories generate 12 billion pounds of plastic waste each year and lab spaces typically are four to five times more energy intensive than classroom space? Dalhousie University is committed to advancing our research while preserving the health of our planet. To reduce our environmental impact, we are embarking on a journey to receive a sustainable lab certification from the non-profit My Green Lab and we need your help!

The Office of Sustainability is excited to engage our scientists in applying their innovative minds to advancing not only the scientific areas of research they study, but also to HOW we conduct the research in a more sustainable way.

The certification process will begin with an initial assessment, which will be launched this November. Following these assessments, the results will be shared locally, and improvements will be made over a 4-8 month period. After implementing the recommended actions, the assessment will be conducted again to show improvements and the labs will receive their My Green Lab certification and level. Certification costs are covered by the Office of Sustainability.

The first cohort meeting is on November 22nd from 2:30 – 3:30. Please email to register.

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