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Research opportunity for 6‑12 month old babies

Posted by Department of Pediatrics on March 14, 2017 in General Announcements

What is this study about?
We are interested in looking at possible behavioural markers of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in the first few years of life. Specifically, we want to find out whether early signs of ASD can be seen in very young infants.

What would the study involve?
If you agree to be in this study, we will see you and your child for 4-5 visits at the IWK over a period of 3 years. Each visit will last approximately 2 hours. Activities during each visit will included structured play situations and standardized developmental assessments. During some activities, small sensors will be attached to your child's feet and chest to monitor your child's physical response (e.g., heart rate, breathing activity, temperature). You will be reimbursed $15 for each visit to the IWK.

Who can participate?
For this study to be right for you, the following must apply:
• Your child is 6-12 months of age
• Your child has at least one older sibling
• Your child was born at term gestation (>36 weeks) and weighed >5 1/2 lbs at birth
• Your child does not have a severe sensory or motor impairment

For more information, contact:
Stacey MacWilliam, Research Coordinator
Telephone: (902) 470-7275