News Archive
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Community & Culture, Engineering
Monday, December 6, 2021
The reverberations of the École Polytechnique tragedy can still be felt today, more than three decades after 14 women lost their lives in the name of hate.
Alumni, Student Life, Community & Culture
Monday, December 6, 2021
Nova Scotia universities and the Nova Scotia Community College joined with Dalhousie to raise more than $200,000 to improve food security for students as part of a province-wide initiative on Giving Tuesday 2021.
Friday, December 3, 2021
Almost two years to the day since the last Women in Leadership Spotlight Dinner, the women’s basketball and volleyball teams and their guests gathered in the McInnes Room for the 12th edition of the event.
News, Senior Administration
Friday, December 3, 2021
In this column, President Deep Saini discusses a recent visit to Dalhousie's Restorative Lab, the first international lab focused on restorative justice poised to help transform justice systems and human services in Canada and globally.
Libraries, Information Technology Services, News, Senior Administration
Friday, December 3, 2021
The future is digital — and Dalhousie's Digital Strategy is set to help the university navigate the constantly changing currents of that digital future. Learn more about what the new strategy is going to mean for everyone who works and studies at Dalhousie.
Student Life, Community & Culture
Thursday, December 2, 2021
Joe Savidge, Marissa Walter, Melissa Hum, and Dr. Jason Chatman have joined Dalhousie Student Health & Wellness as the university seeks to meet the growing mental health needs of students.
Research, Medicine, Women In Research, Community Health and Epidemiology, News
Thursday, December 2, 2021
The mental health of older Canadians has suffered significantly over the course of the pandemic, with depressive symptoms actually persisting and worsening over time particularly for those experiencing loneliness, according to a new study by a team of Canadian researchers including Dalhousie’s Dr. Susan Kirkland.
Music, Arts and Social Sciences, Community & Culture
Wednesday, December 1, 2021
A group of Mi’kmaw and settler artists joined in a collaboration with the Dalhousie Symphony Orchestra for a performance Wednesday evening (Dec. 1) of “Ki’kwa’ju: Reimagining Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf.”
DAL Magazine, DAL Magazine F21
Wednesday, December 1, 2021
Individually and collectively, resilience is key to forging the "new normal."
DAL Magazine, DAL Magazine F21
Wednesday, December 1, 2021
How three Dalhousie buildings—each marking 50th anniversaries this year—have forged stronger connections between campus and community over the decades.