Keisha Jefferies
Assistant Professor

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Fax: 902-494-3487
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Dalhousie University
PO Box 15000
5869 University Avenue
Halifax, NS, B3H 4R2
- Black Populations Health (chronic and reproductive health)
- Anti-Racism in Nursing Education and Practice (leadership, mentorship, inclusivity, representation)
Dr. Keisha Jefferies is an African Nova Scotian nurse scientist, an Assistant Professor in the School of Nursing, and a Dalhousie University Research Chair. She has clinical experience in neonatal intensive care and breastfeeding support. Her doctoral research, funded by several prestigious provincial and federal awards such as Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships, Killam Trust, and Research Nova Scotia, examined the leadership experiences of African Nova Scotian nurses in healthcare. Dr. Jefferies’ research interests include Black populations health, nursing leadership, and examining anti-Black racism in nursing education and practice. She possesses expertise in the areas of health policy, qualitative research, and evidence syntheses. Importantly, Dr. Jefferies uses Black Feminist Theory to critically inform and guide her research and advocacy. Much of her advocacy involves equity and inclusivity in post-secondary institutions and the nursing profession. Notably, in 2017, Dr. Jefferies co-founded the peer-mentorship group, the Community of Black Students in Nursing at Dalhousie University. Finally, Dr. Jefferies is the director of M-BRACe (multidisciplinary Black research and advocacy centre), which is a research hub where she generates quality evidence, develops evidence-informed initiatives, and supports the future generation of critical nurse leaders.
- Nova Scotia College of Nursing
- College of Nurses of Ontario
- Black Nurses Association of Nova Scotia (BNANS)
- Pan-Canadian Association of Nurses of African Descent (PCANAD)
- Black Nurses Task Force - Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO)
- Longwoods Publishing Healthcare Quarterly Editorial Advisory Board
Awards and Honours
- Dalhousie University Research Chair
- Mount Saint Vincent University Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Alumni Award
- Jefferies, K., Carson, A., Sim, M., Boulos, L., Sampalli, T. & Tomblin Murphy, G. Organizational and Institutional Initiatives for the Recruitment, Retention, and Advancement of Black Nurses in Canada: A Rapid Review Protocol. Health Populations Journal, 3(2), 22-32.
- Jefferies, K., Martin-Misener, R., Tomblin Murphy, G., Gahagan, J. & Thomas Bernard, W. (2022). African Nova Scotian nurses’ perception and experiences of leadership: A qualitative study informed by Black feminist theory. Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ), 194, E1437-47. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.220019
- Foronda, C., Jefferies, K. & Walshe, N. Teaching Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion through simulation: A new science. Clinical Simulation in Nursing,23(43), 1-2. doi:10.1016/j.ecns.2022.08.006
- Jefferies, K., States, C., MacLennan, V., Helwig, M., Gahagan, J., Thomas Bernard, W., Macdonald, M., Tomblin Murphy, G. & Martin-Misener, R. Black nurses in the nursing profession in Canada: A scoping review. International Journal for Equity in Health, 21(102).
- Cooper Brathwaite, A., Versailles, D., Juüdi-Hope, D., Sinclair, D., Coppin, M., Jefferies, K., Thomas Obewu, O., Campbell, R., Bradley, R., LaRonde-Ogilve, C., Garraway, C., Groom, B. & Grinspun, D. Black Nurses in Action: A Social Movement to End Racism and Discrimination. Nursing Inquiry, 29(1). doi: 10.1111/nin.12482.
- Cooper Brathwaite, A., Versailles, D., Juüdi-Hope, D., Sinclair, D., Coppin, M., Jefferies, K., Thomas Obewu, O., Campbell, R., Bradley, R., LaRonde-Ogilve, C., Garraway, C., Groom, B. & Grinspun, D. Tackling Discrimination and Systemic Racism in Academic and Workplace Settings. Nursing Inquiry. e12485.
- Aston, M., Price, S., Paynter, M., Sim, M., Monaghan, J., Jefferies, K. & Ollivier, R. Navigating a Sea of Disaster: A Discourse Analysis of Women’s Experiences with Child Protective Services. Nursing Reports.
- Iduye, D., Wild, S., Ostrishko, K., Helwig, M., Macdonald, M., Iduye, S. & Jefferies, K. Lifestyle interventions for type II diabetes prevention in children and adolescents of African descent in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries: A systematic review protocol. Joanna Briggs Institute Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports (JBISRIR). doi: 10.11124/JBIES-21-00179.