- Steenbeek, A. & Langille D. (2014). Combating dangerous sexual behaviours. International Innovation, 132, 102-104.
- Steenbeek, A, Bailey, G. & Simandyl, D. (2013). Culturally Relevant HIV/AIDS Education, Prevention, Screening & Treatment for Canadian Inuit. Canadian Journal of Public Health [In Press].
- Macdonald, C. & Steenbeek, A. (2012). Aboriginal women’s experiences with pap smear screening in Nova Scotia: Review of the literature and research study for PhD dissertation. Submitted to Journal of Aboriginal Health [under review]
- MacDonald, C. & Steenbeek, A. (2012). Historical and Theoretical Roots of Western Colonization and Assimilation: Impacting Canadian Aboriginal People submitted to Pimatisiwin [under review].
- Langille, D, Asbridge, M. & Steenbeek, A. (2012). A social-ecological examination of factors associated with having intercourse before or after age fifteen in adolescents in Nova Scotia. Submitted to Sexual Health [under review]
- Steenbeek, A., MacDonald, N., O’Donovan, S., Hanley, B. & Marshall, D. (2012). Influenza Vaccine Program in the Yukon Territory: Finding Solutions to Improve Vaccine Delivery and Uptake. Under review [Canadian Journal of Public Health]
- Steenbeek, A., MacDonald, N., Baylis, F., Downie, J. & Applegate, M. (2011) Ill-informed Consent? A Survey of Risk Disclosure in School-Based HPV Vaccine Programs. Journal of Public Health Nursing. 29(1), 71-79
- Steenbeek, A., Saulnier, G., Amirault, M. & Morris, C. (2010). Strengthening s
- Community- Based Approaches to HIV/AIDS & STI Screening, Treatment & Prevention among Atlantic First Nations People. Canadian Journal of Aboriginal Community based HIV/AIDS Research (ISBN # 1-894624-81-5) Volume 3, Winter 2010. Accessed from
- Steenbeek A. (2010). Book Review: Social Inequality & Public Health. Canadian Journal of Public Health; May/June, 101(10), 265.
- Steenbeek, A., MacDonald, N. & Sobol, I. (2009). Influenza Vaccine Use Nunavut: A Brief Overview of the Uptake Rates Across the Regions. Canadian Journal of Public Health Sept/Oct, Volume 100(s), 398.
- Steenbeek, A., Edgecombe, N., Durling, J., LeBlanc, A. & Bainsbridge, R. (2009). Using an Interactive Journal Club to Enhance Nursing Research Knowledge Acquisition, Appraisal, and Application. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship 6(1), article 12: DOI: 10.2202/1548-923X.1673 Available at:
- Steenbeek, A., Tyndall, M., Rothenberg, R. & Sheps, S. (2009). An Epidemiological Survey of Chlamydia & Gonococcal Infections in a Canadian Arctic Community. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 36(2), 79-83.
- Maxwell C., McGeer A., Young Tai K.F., Sermer M., Farine D., Basso M., Delisle M.F, Hudon L., Menticoglou S., Mundle W., Ouellet A., Yudin , M.H., Boucher M., Castillo E., Cormier B., Gruslin A., Money D.M., Murphy K., Paquet C., Steenbeek A., Van Eyk N., van Schalkwyk J., Wong T. (2009). Management guidelines for obstetric patients and neonates born to mothers with suspected or probable severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology in Canada, 31(4), 365-372.
- Mark, Y., Money, D., Boucher, M., Cormier, B., Gruslin, A., Ogilvie, G., Paquet, C., Steenbeek, A., Van Eyk, N., van Schalkwyk, J., Wong, T. (2008). Screening and Management of Bacterial Vaginosis in Pregnancy. Journal of Obstetrics &Gynaecology in Canada, 30 (8), 702-808.
- Gruslin A, Steben M, Halperin S, Money DM, Yudin MH, Boucher M, Cormier B, Ogilvie G, Paquet C, Steenbeek A, Van Eyk N, van Schalkwyk J, Wong T. (2008). Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology in Canada, 30(12), 1149-54.
- Steenbeek, A., Tyndall, M., Rothenberg, R. & Sheps, S. (2006). Determinants of Sexually Transmitted Infections among Canadian Inuit Adolescents. Journal of Public Health Nursing, 23(6), 531-534.
- Steenbeek, A. (2004). Empowering Health Promotion: A Holistic Approach In Preventing Sexually Transmitted Infections Among First Nations & Inuit Adolescents In Canada. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 22 (3), 254-266.
Book Chapters
- Steenbeek, A. (2005). An Arctic Tale. In K. Scott & J. E. Kieser (Eds.), Northern Nurses II (pp. 71-76). Kokum Publications.
Book Reviews
- Steenbeek, A. (2010). Social inequality & public Health. Canadian Journal of Public Health; May/June.
Published Conference Abstract/Proceedings
- Steenbeek, A. & Langille D. (2012). Sexual Health Services and Sexual Health Promotion Among Undergraduate Students in Atlantic Canada. European Journal of Public Health, 22(sup2), 180.
- Hare, K, Gahagan, J, Steenbeek A. & Jackson L. (2012). Past Penthouse Pornography: Youth’s Gendered Perceptions of How Sexually Explicit Internet Movies May Influence Their Sexual Health. Advancing Excellence in Gender, Sex and Health Research (CIHR), Montreal; Oct 29-31.
- Steenbeek A., MacDonald, N. & Sobol, I. Influenza Vaccine Use in Nunavut: Varying Uptake Rates Across the Three Regions and Implications for the H1N1 Pandemic. CCHCSP 7th Annual National Symposium, Halifax; Oct/09.
- Breau, L.M., Finley, G. A., Steenbeek, A., Snelgrove-Clark, E., Forgeron, P. (2009) Conception de protocoles de prises en charge psychologiques de la douleur pour enfants atteints de déficience intellectuelle. Congrès de la Société Française d’Etude et de Traitement de la Douleur, Paris, France, November 18-21, 2009. Abstract to be published In : Douleurs : Évaluation, Diagnostic, Traitement, 10, A65.12.
- Steenbeek, A., Tyndall, M. Sheps, S. & Rothenberg, R. Risk Perception and Cultural Determinants of Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Canadian Aboriginal Populations. International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society, Hanoi, Vietnam; April/09.
- Steenbeek, A. Aboriginal Women’s Health: Research in Progress. Circumpolar Health Research Working Groups Abstract Book, Banff, Alberta; June/07.
- Steenbeek, A., Tyndall, M., Rothenberg, R., & Sheps, S. Decreasing Sexually Transmitted Infections in Inuit Communities: The Benefits of Universal Screening. In the 13th International Congress on Circumpolar Health Abstract Book (p. 311). Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science, Novosibirsk, Russia; June/06.
- Steenbeek, A. An Epidemiological Survey of Chlamydial & Gonococcal Infections in a Canadian Arctic Community: Determinants of Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Remote Inuit Populations. In the Sixth Conference of the Canadian Rural Health Society Research Society & the First Conference of the Canadian Society for Circumpolar Health Abstract Book (p.16). Rural and Northern Health ResearchSociety, Quebec City, Canada; June/04.
- Steenbeek, A. Sexually Transmitted Diseases Among Aboriginal Adolescents: The Role of the Community Health Nurse. In the Global Health Conference, Abstract Book. University of British Columbia, Vancouver Canada; Sept/02.
- Steenbeek, A. The Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Among Aboriginal Adolescents: A Reflection & Critique on Current Health Promotion & Prevention Strategies. In the Sigma Theta Tau International Honour Society of Nursing Xi Eta Chapter: The Fifth Annual Ethel Johns Nursing Research Forum. A Nursing Odyssey program guide. Vancouver, Canada; Feb/01.
- Steenbeek, A., Amirault, M. & Saulnier, G. (2009). Strengthening Community- Based Approaches to HIV/AIDS & STI Screening, Treatment & Prevention among Aboriginal People in the Atlantic Region. Executive Summary. Health Canada Report.
- Steenbeek, A., Enns, A., Dawar, M., Pynenburg, M., Tulloch, L., Pynn, D., Anderson, M.,Harkness, P., Cox, P. (2003). The Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Guide for First Nations Communities in B.C. Health Canada: Medical Services Branch (FNIHB). Report.