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2019 SAIL Excellence in Student Leadership Awards

Posted by Stephanie Rogers on April 4, 2019 in News
SAIl Excellence in Student Leadership Awards
SAIl Excellence in Student Leadership Awards

Resiliency and Renaissance was the theme of the 2019 SAIL Excellence in Student Leadership awards. 

"Students wanted to dig deep to connect with our AC past to demonstrate the changes, struggles and successes of this campus throughout the past century," said coordinator Monica Sani. "SAIL worked with our Archives and Museum in the McRae Library, the Colchester Historeum and Chartwells to piece together the past and present, from a hearty meal to displaying artifacts and pictures."

Photos were reproduced for SAIL via Archivist Jennifer MacIsaac and four SAIL students volunteered in the Archives to select photos they felt best felt represented the campus over the years, from fallen soldiers in Flanders 1916, to volunteering at the hospital for victims of the Halifax Explosion, first female graduate of NSAC Helen Woodroofe 1913, first cohort of International Students in the early 1900s, the 1937 AC Hockey team who made a home made rink south of the swine barns, Wilfred A Costa, 1905-1907, a technical student from the West Indies, President and Associate Editor of the Atlantic Advocate, Nova Scotia’s first Black Magazine, athletics, College Royal, Traveling Dairy Unit, one of the first trials on Barley, AC theatre, demonstration garden, fires, reconstruction and more.

SAIL 2019 felt it was important to remind campus that we are part of history and our future is just beginning as Agriculture is the science of the past, present and future.

"This campus has had significant structural damage, where staff, faculty and students have come together to help solve problems and lessen the strain on the community by collaborating and cooperating," added Sani.   This was demonstrated during Debert Days, 1946 when the original science building burned down, through to the expansion of campus, programs and merger with Dalhousie University and the recent fires of 2015 and 2018.

The SAIL students celebrate leadership on this campus through many events, conferences and opportunities to volunteer within the community.  This year, 15 students received their SAIL Certificates. 

Each student has been unique in their leadership, interest and community service and as a group, completed over 1000 hours of volunteerism this year alone. 

The group, diverse in ethnicity, experience and vision, further connected with our Indigenous communities, the Nova Scotia Health Authority, WUSC and Ag Canada, to name a few.

SAIL is a two-year certificate program, developed to guide students in their leadership, through a series of seminars, workshops and conferences.  The program is self-enrolling and self-directed, with the assistance of the coordinator, Monica Sani and Student Success Peer Educators.
