» Go to news mainPets of Dalhousie: Meet Lola
Lola is a potcake pup who lives with Graeme Gunn, senior digital communications advisor with Student Affairs Communications, and Catherine Gunn, director of the School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Health.
Name: Lola
Nickname: Lolabelle, Lola bear, Stinky, Miss Fartsalot
Breed: Bahamas Potcake (rescue from Fly With Me Animal Rescue)
Age: 16–17 months, we think
Fave food: Anything edible (or otherwise), but especially bacon, cheese, and mashed potatoes.
Special tricks: Room-clearing flatulence, kangaroo hops, and standing on her head when she comes in for a snuggle on the sofa.
Best quality: Not a mean bone in her body — she's the sweetest and smartest dog and loves making friends with anyone or anything.
Social media platform: Follow her adventures on Instagram @potcake_lola
Don't forget to check out the previous pet we've featured in this space this month — Mila, Remy, Bean, Vester and Visby and Ash — as well as pets from previous months:
The month in pets: January
The month in pets: February
The month in pets: March
The month in pets: April
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