» Go to news mainPets of Dalhousie: Meet Gracie
Gracie is a dog who lives with Marcia E. Munroe, a human resources assistant in Facilities Management.
Name: Gracie (full name Gracie Lou Freebush. If you haven’t seen Miss Congeniality go watch it immediately. I’ll wait…)
Nicknames: Bobo, Gracie Lou, Pupperella
Species/breed: Professional Housewolf
Age: 10 months
Fave food: Anything, but thoroughly enjoys peanut butter and chicken.
Special tricks: Ability to be on alert constantly; can smell a bunny even if it’s outside, with all the windows closed; deadly puppy-eyes; head-tilts for days.
Best quality: Fluffy and adorable.
Social media platform or handle, if available: She’s too young for social media. No internet until she’s at least 2.
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Don't forget to check out the previous pet we've featured in this space this month — Bella — as well as pets from previous months:
The month in pets: January
The month in pets: February
The month in pets: March
The month in pets: April
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