» Go to news mainPets of Dalhousie: Meet Toby
Toby is a Norfolk terrier who lives with Andrea Drysdale, a prospect research analyst in the Office of Advancement.
Name: He has a fancy Canadian Kennel Club name but at home he’s just Toby.
Nickname: Too many to count. “Tobes” is the least silly.
Species/breed: Norfolk terrier
Age: Almost 8 years… going on 3.
Fave food: Chicken. He should have sprouted feathers by now.
Special tricks: Toe taps, which he adopted when Covid rules outlawed handshakes.
Best quality: Loves people. He’s a little “spicy” when he meets bigger dogs, but they usually get along after an initial appraisal.
Social media platform or handle, if available: None.
Don't forget to check out the previous pets we've featured in this space this month — Penny — as well as pets from previous months:
The month in pets: January
The month in pets: February
The month in pets: March
The month in pets: April
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