» Go to news mainStudent Health & Wellness launches new SharePoint Site for faculty and staff
Student Health & Wellness has launched a new Student Health & Wellness SharePoint site that provides resources and information for Dalhousie faculty, staff and student leaders as you support students' health and wellbeing.
This new site is available through MyDal. Your NetID and password will be needed to access this site.
This new SharePoint site is a one-stop shop where you can:
- Access helpful resources, such as the Blue Folder, Student Declaration of Absence Form and tips on how to support students' health and wellness
- Download up-to-date resources that you can share with students via email or save as part of your course materials, such as a PDF of Mental Health Resources at Dalhousie
- Refer students you are concerned for to Dalhousie's case manager
- Request a presentation from the Student Health & Wellness team
- Learn about upcoming events and training workshops
- Easily contact the Student Health & Wellness team
- And more
In addition to what is already available on the new site, Student Health & Wellness looks forward to its on-going development and working with faculty and partners to ensure it continues meeting your needs.
Students come to Dalhousie and King's ready to learn but not always prepared for the mental and physical demands of university. And, maintaining a healthy lifestyle through a period of change and challenge can be tough. A healthy campus community requires a holistic approach, and requires the support of all faculty and staff. Student Health & Wellness is here to offer faculty and staff support, resources and guidance in encouraging students' wellbeing.
Questions and feedback about the new SharePoint site can be sent to