Addressing Stigma in the Healthcare System

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Week 1 - October 23; Week 2 - October 30; Week 3 - November 6; & Week 4 - November 20, 2023
Delivery: Online Synchronous and Asynchronous components
Lead Faculty Contact: Sherry Huybers

Course Description:
It is known that certain populations in Canada experience a disproportionate burden of poor health outcomes. When these poor health outcomes are a result of unfair conditions they are referred to as health inequities. One of the drivers of health inequities is stigma. This online interprofessional (IPE) mini course is designed to introduce students to health inequalities and inequities in context, stigma as a public health issue, and building an inclusive health system.

Through an examination of the Chief Public Health Officer’s Report on the State of Public Health in Canada, Addressing Stigma: Towards a More Inclusive Health System, students will gain an understanding of stigma drivers and practices and learn about interventions and promising practices. The new Stigma Pathways to Health Outcomes Model will be used to illustrate and explore:

  1. Racism as experienced by First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples
  2. Racism as experienced by African, Caribbean, and Black Canadians
  3. Stigmas as experienced by LGBTQ2+ people (sexual stigma and
  4. gender identity stigma)
  5. Mental illness stigma
  6. Substance use stigma
  7. HIV stigma
  8. Obesity stigma

The goals for this online mini course are:

  • To provide education
  • To learn a new way to think about stigma and how it contributes to population health inequities
  • To examine an action framework for building an inclusive health system
  • To learn about real life examples of addressing stigma in health systems

This online mini course is created to allow students to have a safe place to learn about stigma in health systems, ask questions to reduce students’ assumptions and learned stigma, and have access to up-dated resources.