
Evidence for IPE

  • Reeves, S., Goldman, JH. Burton, A. Sawatzky-Girling, B. (2010).  Synthesis of Systematic Review Evidence of Interprofessional Education.  Journal of Allied Health, 39, no.3 Pt. 2 (Special Issue), 198-203.
  • Reeves, S., Zwarenstein, M., Goldman, J., Barr, M., Freeth, D., Hammick, M., Koppel, I. (2009).  Interprofessional Education: Effects on Professional Practice and Health Care Outcomes (Review).  The Cochrane Library, 2009, issue 4.  John Wiley & Sons.

Recent IPE Articles by Dalhousie Faculty

  • Baxter, L., Crocker, K., Doucet, S., Godden Webster, A., & Nasser, S. (2012).  Connecting with the community through volunteer Health Mentors.  Proceedings of the 2011 AAU Teaching Showcase, 15, 10 - 13.
  • Doucet, S., Lauckner, H., & Wells, S. (2013). Patients’ messages as educators in an interprofessional health education program. Journal of Research in Interprofessional Practice and Education, 3, 92-102.
  • Doucet, S., Andrews, C., Godden-Webster, A.L., Lauckner, H. , Nasser, S. (2012).  The Dalhousie Health Mentors Program:  Introducing students to collarboative patient/client centered practice.  Journal of Interprofessional Care, 26, 336-338.
  • Lahey, W. (2012).  Collaboration Vital to Better Health Care, Improved Regulation.
  • Mackenzie, D. and Merritt, B.K. (2012).  Making space:  Integrating meaningful interprofessional experiences into an existing curriculum.  Journal of Interprofessional Care, 27 (3), 274-276.
  • MacMillan, K. (2012).  The challenge of achieving interprofessional collaboration:  Should we blame Nightingale?  Journal of Interprofessional Care, 26 (5), 410-415.
  • Webster, W.G.  (2013). Cultivating grassroots IPE:  The Dalhousie University experience.  Journal of Interprofessional Care, 27, 96-97.