Course Offerings

Please consult the Academic Timetable for updated information on course times and locations.

Summer 2024 Courses

1000-level courses

2024 Summer Course Instructor
ENGL 1005 Literature: Global Perspective Cher Hann
ENGL 1025 Literature: Why it Matters Lindsay Church
ENGL 1040 Reading Pop Culture:Writing Req. Gavin Foster
ENGL 1100 Writing for University Michael Cameron

Upper-level courses

2024 Summer Course Instructor
ENGL 2034 The Short Story  Helen Pinsent
ENGL 2085 Video Games: Story, World & Play Cher Hann
ENGL 2232 Contemporary Science Fiction Jessica Hawkes


Fall 2024 Courses

1000-level courses

2024 Fall Course Instructor
ENGL 1005 Literature: Global Perspective Sharon Vogel / Dr. Eric Schmaltz
ENGL 1015 Literature: How It Works Dr. Rohan Maitzen/ Dr. David Evans
ENGL 1025 Literature: Why It Matters Dr. Patricia Robertson
ENGL 1030/CRWR 1030 Reading and Writing Stories Dr. Heather Jessup/ Dr. Alice Brittan
ENGL 1040 Reading Pop Culture: Writing Req. Dr. Brenna Duperron
ENGL 1050 Pulp Fiction: Writing Req. Dr. Anthony Enns / Dr. Brenna Duperron
ENGL 1051 Pulp Fiction: NON-Writing Req. Dr. Anthony Enns
ENGL 1100 Writing for University Dr. Jessica Hawkes / Dr. Madison Trusolino

Upper-level courses

2024  Fall     Course Instructor
ENGL 2001 British Literature to 1800 Dr. Trevor Ross
ENGL 2010 The Personal Essay Dr. Alice Brittan
ENGL 2095 Narrative in the Cinema Dr. David Evans
ENGL 2215 Young Shakespeare Dr. Anthony Brown
ENGL 2218 Gothic Fiction Dr. Julia Wright
ENGL 3020 English Drama, 1600-1800 Dr. Anthony Brown
ENGL 3032 19th Cent. Fiction: Dickens & Hardy Dr. Rohan Maitzen
ENGL 3088 African Caribbean Women Writer Dr. Asha Jeffers
ENGL 3098 Creative Writing: Poetry 1 Dr. Shauntay Grant / Dr. Sue Goyette
ENGL 3099 Creative Writing: Fiction 1 Dr. Leslie Choyce/ Dr. Heather Jessup
ENGL 3241 Drama of the Later 20th Century Dr. Anthony Enns
ENGL 3245 The Beat Generation Dr. Jason Haslam
ENGL 3311 Editing & Publishing Literature Dr. Bart Vautour
ENGL 4007 Studies in Literary History 1 Dr. Julia Wright
ENGL 4023 Malory Dr. Kathleen Cawsey
ENGL 4876 Photography & Visual Culture Dr. Lili Johnson
ENGL 4900 Honours Capstone Dr. Jason Haslam

Graduate courses

2024 Fall   Course Instructor
ENGL 5006 Studies in Research-Creation Dr. Bart Vautour
ENGL 5403 The Gothic Century, 1764-1864 Dr. Julia Wright
ENGL 5816 Malory Dr. Kathleen Cawsey
ENGL 5961 Photography Visual Cult. Dr. Lili Johnson

Winter 2025 Courses

1000-level courses

2025 Winter Course Instructor
ENGL 1005 Literature: Global Perspective TBA / Dr. Eric Schmaltz
ENGL 1015 Literature: How it Works Dr. David Evans
ENGL 1025 Literature: Why it Matters Dr. Trevor Ross
ENGL 1040 Reading Pop Culture: Writing Req. Dr. Margaret Robinson / Dr. Julia Wright
ENGL 1050 Pulp Fiction: Writing Req. Dr. Jason Haslam
ENGL 1100 Writing for University Dr. Andrew Brown / Dr. Madison Trusolino

Upper-level courses

2025 Winter     Course Instructor
ENGL 2040 Mystery & Detective Fiction Dr. Rohan Maitzen
ENGL 2080 Cartoons and Comics Dr. Anthony Enns
ENGL 2209 Lit. of the Asian Diaspora Dr. Asha Jeffers
ENGL 2222 Fictions of Self Discovery Dr. Asha Jeffers
ENGL 2231 Foundations of Science Fiction Dr. Jason Haslam
ENGL 2235 Tolkien: Fantasy & Medievalism Dr. Kathleen Cawsey
ENGL 2238 Children's Literature Dr. Andrew Brown
ENGL 3002 Contemporary Critical Theory Dr. Erin Wunker
ENGL 3005 Canterbury Tales Dr. Kathleen Cawsey
ENGL 3011 Renaissance Poetry & Culture 2 Dr. Lyn Bennett
ENGL 3026 Romantic Era 1 Dr. Julia Wright
ENGL 3061 American Literature to 1865 Dr. David Evans
ENGL 3099 Creative Writing: Fiction 1 Dr. S. Sheikh
ENGL 3231 Modern Canadian Literature Dr. Eric Schmaltz
ENGL 3255 Contemporary Women's Writing Dr. Alice Brittan
ENGL 3300 TV: Theory and Critisim Dr. Anthony Enns
ENGL 3503 Modern Theatre Dr. Roberta Barker
ENGL 4220 Early Modern Poetry & Rhetoric Dr. Lyn Bennett
ENGL 4428 Unconventional Love Stories Dr. Heather Jessup
ENGL 4465 Victorian Women Writers Dr. Rohan Maitzen
ENGL 4811 Is Beauty Just: Write & Ethics Dr. Alice Brittan


Graduate courses

2025 Winter Course Instructor
ENGL 5236 Early Modern Poetry & Rhetoric Dr. Lyn Bennett
ENGL 5428 Unconventional Love Stories Dr. Heather Jessup
ENGL 5465 Victorian Women Writers Dr. Rohan Maitzen
ENGL 5917 Critical Theory: Ethical Turn Dr. Alice Brittan