McCall MacBain International Fellowship

Dal students set to embark on overseas adventures with McCall MacBain International Fellowship

In 2023, Dalhousie entered into a partnership with the McCall MacBain Foundation to launch the McCall MacBain International Fellowship (MMIF).

Up to $30,000 in funding per fellowship is available to pursue a year abroad. Funding includes a travel stipend ($3,500), a living stipend (up to $12,000), an allowance for language courses (up to $4,500), a travel insurance allowance (up to $1,500), and a tuition waiver (one academic term).

The MMIF is designed to provide students with the opportunity to learn a language, participate in an academic exchange, build lasting international ties, and deepen their ability to work in a different cultural context. 

The 12-month fellowship is divided into three parts: intensive language learning (4 months), academic study abroad term (exchange or independent study abroad - 4 months), and a work/internship experience (4 months). Fellowship recipients must go to a country in which they have not previously lived for more than three months, do not hold citizenship, and are learning or want to learn at least one of its major languages

The Foundation will also be hosting upcoming information sessions to provide more details.

Applications for the MMIF have been extended to January, 20, 2025. (see below for application details)

Eligibility Criteria for Dalhousie Students

To be eligible for the MMIF, you must:

  • be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident;
  • be between the ages of 19 and 24 (inclusive) on January 1, 2025;
  • be enrolled full-time in a first-entry undergraduate university program at Dalhousie;
  • have a minimum CGPA of 3.0;
  • for degree programs of four or more years: have completed at least 3 academic terms prior to departure in summer 2025;
  • for degree programs of fewer than four years: have completed at least 2 academic terms prior to departure in summer 2025;
  • have not met the requirements to graduate prior to departure
  • be in good standing academically and non-academically; and
  • have not left Canada to participate in a travel, work, volunteer, or study abroad experience independently (i.e. without parents) in a new language or culture for eight months or more during the last three years.

Applying for the McCall-MacBain International Fellowship (MMIF)

Step One

  • Complete the MMIF Application as found on the MMIF website.
  • Note: The MMIF application requires you to identify a reference who will complete a separate reference form. Be sure to give your reference plenty of time to complete their part of the process.
  • Note: When selecting your country preferences, make sure they align with your country (institution) choices on Dal’s Study Abroad/Exchange Application (more info in Step Two below)
  • Submission deadline: EXTENDED to January 20, 2025 at 4 p.m. Eastern Time (5 p.m. Atlantic Time). Please note that Dalhousie’s general Exchange & Study Abroad application deadline remains the same (January 15 at 9 a.m. Atlantic Time).

Step Two

  • Review options for Dalhousie's University Wide opportunities and Departmental Exchange opportunities.
  • Complete a Dalhousie Study Abroad/Exchange application for the Winter 2026 semester.
  • Note: When selecting your institution preferences, make sure they align with your country choices on the MMIF application (see Step One above).
  • Submission deadline: January 15, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. Atlantic Time. Note that this deadline is two days later than the MMIF application deadline.

Review & Selection Process (MMIF)

The review process for MMIF applications is as follows:

  • January: MMIF to confirm list of applicants with Dalhousie.
  • February: MMIF notifies nominated students about their interview details.
  • February 25: MMIF interviews are conducted in person at Dalhousie. Fellowship decisions are then communicated to applicants.
  • April: The deadline for students to accept Fellowship offers will be in April.

Review & Selection Process (Dalhousie)

The review process for Dalhousie Exchange & Study Abroad applications is as follows:

  • January: Applications close and the university begins a review of the applicants.
  • Early February: Successful applicants are notified of their study abroad or exchange nomination (including their host institution and country).
  • Late February: The deadline for successful applicants to accept their study abroad or exchange nomination will be in late February.

Confirmation & Acceptance

  • Students who receive a MMIF and a Dal study abroad & exchange nomination: Your choice of country for the Dalhousie study abroad/exchange opportunity will become the designated country for your MMIF.
  • Students who receive a MMIF but do not receive a Dal study abroad & exchange nomination: You are free to arrange your own study abroad/exchange opportunity outside of Dalhousie's list of formal partnerships.
  • Students who do not receive a MMIF but do receive a Dal study abroad & exchange nomination: You will have the option of keeping the Dal exchange opportunity or withdrawing from the exchange after the MMIF decision is made.


Students are strongly encouraged to consult with the International Centre's Study Abroad & Exchange team prior to applying for the MMIF. Our team will assist in pairing you with an academic advisor in your faculty to help determine the ideal year for you to undertake a study abroad program. 

Contact for consultation or for any questions.

Visit the McCall MacBain International Fellowship website for more detailed information.