Application Process

How to apply

Before you even get started, make sure you contact us no later than August of the year before you’d like to start. We’ll help you understand our admission requirements. Then, follow these steps to make sure that your application is complete:

  • Complete a Pharmacy Supplemental Form [PDF - 159 kB]. Please fax, email, mail or deliver it to:

    College of Pharmacy
    Dalhousie University
    5968 College Street
    P.O. Box 15000
    Halifax, NS  B3H 4R2


    Fax: 902-494-1396

Dalhousie is implementing immediate changes to the admission processes for the PharmD program. Our goal is to facilitate a broader application pool, allowing more prospective students to apply and be considered for the program, all while aligning with our commitment to meeting the region's healthcare demands. 

  • *NEW for 2024* Ensure that your application form, pharmacy supplemental form and any transcripts are submitted before the July 31st, 2024 deadline in order to be considered. Early applications will be processed and assessed for acceptance first.
  • Have your university transcripts (including the most current) forwarded to the College of Pharmacy as soon as they are available and prior to entry in the program.
  • Make sure that your application is complete by following up with us at or 902-494-3824.
  • Complete your interview. This step will only be offered to applicants who meet the academic criteria.
  • Wait to hear from us. You’ll be informed of your final status within a few weeks of your interview. If you’re put on the wait list, you could be accepted as late as September.

What to expect from your interview

If you’ve met our requirements for academic achievement, you may be invited for an orientation/interview session intended to assess your non-academic skills and qualities, including:

  • commitment to care
  • critical thinking, problem solving and creativity
  • ethical reasoning and integrity
  • responsibility
  • interpersonal skills
  • oral communication skills
  • maturity
  • motivation to be a pharmacist
  • conflict resolution
  • team player
  • self-awareness

Mark your calendar

The 2024 Pharmacy interviews will be completed using a virtual platform.  The interviews will be held on March 23rd and April 27, 2024, with further dates to be announced.  If you are selected for an interview, we will contact you to let you know.