Funding, News and Announcements
» Go to news main25th International Academic and Cultural Meeting of Engineering Students
The International Cultural and Academic Meeting of Engineering Students (ICAMES) is an international, academic, scientific and cultural project competition that is held annually by the Engineering Society of Bogazici University. Students, faculty and advisors are welcome to join the event.
This year, ICAMES will be held online from July 12 -14. This is a world-wide engineering project competition. The only prerequisite for a project to participate is that it should deal with engineering techniques and be prepared by undergraduate students.
The organization committee has selected the topic: Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Automation and Sustainability. While it is not necessary for your project to be about this topic exclusively, the commitee would appreciate if you establish a connection between your project and these topics.
The largest prize is 2,000 USD
Participating projects will be evaluated with the criteria:
- Quality of Work
- Quality of Demonstration
- Quality of Presentation
- Originality
To participate in the ICAMES, download the application form and send the completed form to
Project Proposals and Application Forms: June 30, 2021
Notification of Acceptance: July 1, 2021
Final Program Announcement: July 5, 2021
Presentation Days: July 12 - 13, 2021