Funding, News and Announcements
» Go to news mainCall for letters of intent: Ontario Pork Research Fund
Ontario Pork has announced a call for Letters of Intent (LOI) for swine research projects that focus on the Ontario swine industry.
Highest priority and consideration will be given to research proposals and projects that address issues and questions that are specific to the Ontario pork industry or that will specifically provide benefits or improve the competitiveness of Ontario producers. Consideration for other projects will be given, if they address priorities outlined in the Ontario Pork Research Strategies document found on the OP research page under call for proposals. Other project funding partners and collaborations are strongly recommended for all submissions.
Letters of intent should be completed electronically through the Livestock Research and Innovation Corporation’s website. A guide for completing the LOI and the Ontario Pork Research Strategies document can be found within the application which is accessible here. You will need to register on the site to access the application system.
The LOI submission deadline is March 30 2018 at 6 PM (ET).
Any questions pertaining to research at Ontario Pork, should be addressed to Questions regarding the LRIC application system should be directed to Jean Howden at