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ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID)

Posted by Danielle Andres on February 5, 2018 in Announcements

Looking for an easy way to keep your author profile up to date? Are your publications under multiple name variants making them hard to collect? Tired of having to enter the same information in multiple submission systems?

An ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) may be the solution for you.  ORCID is a unique number used to distinguish scholars around the world from one another. Over 1000 student and faculty researchers affiliated with Dalhousie have already registered with ORCID!

ORCID provides researchers with a persistent identifier plus an easy mechanism for linking research outputs and activities to that identifier. ORCID is open, non-proprietary, transparent, community-based, and available free of charge.

Your ORCID record will belong to you throughout your scholarly career to distinguish you from other researchers and ensure consistent, reliable attribution of your work.

ORCID is also integrated into many systems used by publishers, funding agencies, institutions, and other research-related services, allowing you to input once, reuse often.

As members of the ORCID Consortium in Canada the Dalhousie Libraries encourage graduate students and faculty members register for a free ORCID.   

To get started:

  1. Register for your unique ORCID identifier
  2. Add your professional information and link to your other identifiers (such as Scopus or ResearcherID)
  3. Set permissions and use your ORCID ID regularly when you submit publications or apply for grants to ensure you get credit for your work.

Want to know more?  Check out the ORCID Knowledge Base  or watch this short 4 minute video from ORCID. Or contact your subject specialist in the Dalhousie Libraries.